Containment Breach

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The next day the guards took Y/N back to SCP-049's containment cell. Y/N was a little happy to see there new friend again. The guard opened the door and right in that moment there was a blaring alarm. There was a voice too. "SCP-096 has breached containment!" He screamed. There was a faint screaming in the background that seemed to be getting louder. "Oh no!" He screamed. "Oh no!" "Oh no!" "Oh no!" Then the screaming got really loud and it sounded like the microphone he was using broke with a loud cracking and ear piercing ring. The guards ran out yelling about something and so did the scientist. Except one. He ducked in the corner. Y/N's heart was pounding listening to the distant screams and gunfire. "Come." The doctor said. Y/N rushed into there cell. "Under the table." He said. Y/N crawled under the table as the screams got louder. "What's happening!" Y/N yelled. "It's a breach." The doctor said. "SCP-096 should leave the foundation soon or either they'll contain him. "Just don't look at his face." The doctor explained to Y/N. "Ok." Y/N said trying to stay calm. Then the screams appeared to be only a few feet away. Y/N heard loud footsteps rush by and then it began to quiet down. After a few hours there was a different voice saying they contained SCP-096. It woke Y/N up because they had fallen asleep under the table next to the doctor. He was awake however. Some guards rushed in with guns pointed at the two. "Stand up and follow us back to your cell." One instructed. "Thanks for helping me." Y/N said to the doctor. "It was no issue." The doctor said. He waved at Y/N as the door closed and they waved back. As time went on Y/N was proven innocent but the foundation let them stay in a different and nicer room because they seemed to be very good friends with SCP-049. Y/N went to see him daily and they became good friends. Y/N admitted they liked life at the foundation and they wouldn't have it any other way. SCP-049 also admitted he was fond of Y/N and saw them as a very smart and kind person. They were best friends.

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