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New Raph thought he knew what it was like for your nightmares to come to life

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New Raph thought he knew what it was like for your nightmares to come to life.

That was what these last few weeks had been for him, after all. He'd failed his brothers, knew Donnie and Leo were slaves of their enemies, saw Mikey traumatized and April hurt beyond repair, and realized his father was left in clueless misery as to their whereabouts. He'd failed both his family and his entire new team. He failed.

He failed as a leader, as a brother, and as a teammate. The nightmares that used to only live in his mind had cracked open his skull, escaped the prison of his head and had fled into the real world.

But still, somehow, it was getting even worse.

"Please tell me you're lying," He pleaded to the other leader, watching the Leonardo of this world grimace. New Raph clutched Little Mikey's note to his chest. "This is a joke, right? Please say this is a joke."

"I wish it was," Leo sighed. Raph blinked rapidly, aware that the tears were already about to fall and trying to keep them at bay as Leo continued. "The Mikeys left at least an hour ago, maybe longer. They're in Dimension X."

It was real.

His baby brother was in enemy territory with only his counterpart. They were alone, probably scared to death, and in danger of being killed at any second—or worse! Raph gulped; he knew what the Kraang would do to them if they caught them. They'd both be controlled, wouldn't they?

No. He couldn't bear seeing that.

Raph had counted himself lucky to be saved after Little Mikey. Up until this point, he hadn't had to see any of his brothers in such a horrible state and he never had to fight an evil version of them. While he'd briefly seen Donnie under the Kraang's control back when they'd first been turned, that was so long ago. He could hardly remember it! The Kraang's mind control made that memory blurry and hazy anyway.

The point was this: Raphael hadn't had to fight his mind-controlled broth

Would he even be able to bring himself to attack Little Mikey if he needed to? Raph didn't know. He just had to hope he'd have the strength, but somehow, he doubted it.

So they had to get to the Mikeys before that happened.

"What are we waiting for then?" New Raph demanded, "We gotta go get them!"

"We have to wait for our Raph and Casey," Donnie spoke up for the first time in this conversation. He was standing across the room, fidgeting with the portal device and double-checking the settings for what had to be the 7th time in the last five minutes. His hands were shaky and his voice was just as unsteady; the stress must have been getting to him too. Raph could understand that.

Dealing with the possibility of your family being kidnapped and controlled by the Kraang, all while knowing it was really your fault for letting them go alone? While that stress was eating away at New Raphael, he could at least be thankful that this world's Donnie didn't have to deal with guilt that bad. Donnie never put anyone in danger like that. No, that was all New Raph and his stupid plan of benching Mikey. It was his fault.

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