You never helped me (Pt. 1)

Start from the beginning

Fear clouded his mind as images of his time at readjustment flooded his vision.

But the vivid imagery changed.

Instead of him being chained down to the table, he imagined Blyke staring up at the cop as he tugged at the cuffs. He saw Remi being slapped across the face when she refused to comply, Isen yelling at him to get out of his head, Arlo getting his head smashed into the table, Seraphina crying her eyes out as she begged for Keon to leave her alone.

Just the thought alone was enough to make him nauseous.

Something deep within his chest shoved forward, a sense of urgency, a sense of protection that he hadn't felt in a very long time.

As the man directed to miss Nadia to go into the office while he brought them in one at a time, John made his decision right then and there.

Screw what might happen to him. He refused to let anyone in this room go through any form of torment he experienced.

John had almost missed Keon asking Isen of all people to follow him into the main office and immediately, his blood started boiling.

Just as the man went to place his hand on the others shoulder, John reached out and snatched ahold of the man's wrist.

The cop whipped his head over, anger boiling on his lips until he took a look at the expression the ravenette wore.

It was a look of barely contained rage, of a promise to harm.

Despite the fact his eyes weren't glowing, the room seemed to dim under the burning intensity dancing in his eyes.

"Don't. F*cking. Touch him."

Arlo on the other hand raised an eyebrow, shock and confusion crossing his features. "What the hell is your problem?"

Keeping his eyes trained on Keon, John said nothing as the two had a stare down.

John swore he saw something close to realization cross Isen's face when he looked, but he ignored it in favor of letting go of Keon's wrist, taking a step back as the man took one forward.

"If there's a problem John, I suggest we take this outside and solve it there before we begin. Wouldn't you agree?"

Already, John felt sick at the prospect of being with Keon face to face. Being alone with the man terrified him even more.

But he glanced back to Isen who was still pale with fear, at Remi who was staring curiously, Blyke who looked on with confusion, Arlo with annoyance and bewilderment, and finally Sera who looked at him with something close to shock. Looking at them, he knew what needed to be done.

So, biting the inside of his cheek, he gave in. "Fine. Lead the way."

Seraphina had stepped forward. "John-"

The ravenette quickly cut her off. "Go talk with Vaughn and Nadia. I'll be with you in a bit."

Keon waited for him as he briskly walked out the door, the man shutting it with a click behind them.




The second they were out of hearing range of the office, Keon had him pinned to the lockers by his shoulder. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

At this, John said nothing before grabbing the man's wrist and shoving him away, trying to put distance between them.

Before the man could say anything, John spoke. "You f*cking piece of sh*t. Just what the hell are you planning on doing to them?"

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