☁️Chubby!Levi X Fit!Reader • My Panda

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No one would have ever thought that the one and only Captain Levi is in fact...


  Captain Levi has always been fit his whole life. Always has thought being nice, clean and neat, that day changed when there was a special event that had begun for everyone inside of the Germany walls.


  "Erwin, I seriously don't want to go to this super event..."

  "Come on Levi, everyone's gonna be there! And there gonna have lots of stuff! There's going to be fun things like games that you can play to get stuffed animals, exotic fruits, treats, and even food to eat that we never had here!"

  What's so great about eating?
  All you need is good good to keep you alive and in shape.

And treats?
That's even worse!
It makes you fat!
That's one thing I'll never be.
I'll never be fat.

"There you are a Levi!!"
  Oh god it's four eyes...

  Turning my head while I was walking with Erwin, I saw Hanji and Mike come towards us. I could tell Hanji was very high on sugar because she had two..cone things..in her hands..

  "Levi!! You seriously need to try this!! It's so~ good!!"
Hanji said happily while giggling.
I now took a glance at Mike and my eyes were now wide seeing he was holding a giant cat plushie, had a cat headband on his head, his face had some sort of...colorful dirt on it and he had a tied cat tail on his waist.

  "What is all of this Mike..."
I asked him scrunching you my face at all of the stuff he had on him.
Hanji turned towards Mike than looked back at me and smiled.

  "Mike had a blast!! He got so many things from playing all of those games that are here!! But the best part is he food!!"
She's really starting to piss me off...
Before I could even say anything,
Hanji had grabbed my arms and started pulling me away from where I was standing with Erwin, but he followed us or see why we gonna do.

All day, Hanji made me play games,
but they were surprisingly fun...

  "Okay! Now the last thing to do!
Let's eat!!"
  Finally, some good and healthy food.

  "...what is this crap..."

  "It's food silly!"

  "No this isn't! This is all junk!"

  "*sigh* And this is why I brought him..."

  "Come on Levi, just try something! Anything! It'll taste good! I promise!"
Ugh...She's making my head hurt...
How can all of this junk taste good?! Look at it! Some are dripping grease! Grease is not healthy, at all. I stick to healthy stuff so I don't nod up like Jean.

  "Come on Levi. I like some of the stuff here so it should be good, right?"
  I looked up towards Erwin seeing he had a smile as he picked up something that looked like a triangle and huffed.

If Erwin likes it,
it should be safe..

"Fine! Fine! I'll eat something!"
Rolling my eyes at the small cheering they were doing, I looked at the stands as we passed them, until I saw one with some kind of meat in between a piece of bread that was cut in the middle and Erwin saw me.

  "You want to get that?"
I just shrugged which make Erwin chuckle, go to the stand, and come back with but one, not two, not even three but four of those sausage things!

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