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As they rode back into the courtyard, Kate waved at them from the edge of the terrace, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh oh, I think we've been missed," Meredith murmured to Derek. He kissed her temple, tightening his arm around her.

"I think this means we have to part until the wedding," he said softly. "My little love, I can hardly wait until then. I'm sure you will take my breath away when I see you heading towards me. Just keep that thought in mind that we discussed," he chuckled.

He reined Satan in, and slid off the horse, holding his arms up to Meredith to help her down. Keeping her in his embrace, he kissed her lips, letting his tongue just caress hers briefly, before letting her go. "There, until tomorrow, and don't let my mother drive you mad."

"I won't, "Meredith assured him. "I love you."

"I love you," he said, as she slipped away from him, and towards Kate, who had been joined by Isobel. He watched her leave, the sensual sway of her hips igniting his desire all over again, as if they hadn't just been sated. With a muttered curse about the inanity of the wedding rituals, he headed towards the stables. After handing Satan off to the stable boy, he turned towards the manor. He needed a bath, and a shave, and a drink, not necessarily in that order, he though wryly.

"So, the last day of your bachelorhood," Marcus said, as he joined Derek. He slapped Derek on the back with a laugh. "And you stole your lovely fiancée away for a morning tryst. Very nice, Derek."

Derek grinned. "Marcus - good to see you up and healthy. I was thinking I would need to press one of my brothers-in-law into service."

"Never. Miss Isobel nursed me into health - I would never miss your wedding. I know I haven't been much of a best man so far, but I believe it's my duty to take you in hand today and keep you occupied."

"Ah, the lovely Miss Isobel. She has caught your interest?" Derek asked, as they settled into chairs on the back terrace. He stretched his legs out, and laced his hands behind his head. Within moments, the footmen had brought out whiskey and glasses, pouring drinks for the two men.

"She is lovely, isn't she? Very sweet and fresh, so unlike ...other certain females..." Marcus observed, taking a drink.

"Very innocent, too, old friend."

Marcus held his hand up in protest. "I am being the perfect gentleman, Derek. As difficult as you may believe it to be."

Derek laughed loudly at that. "Indeed, and for how long?"

Marcus took another drink. "Not long, I'm sure."

"Just be careful, Marcus. You may find your heart stolen before you realize what has happened. It was that way for me."

"I've been told many times that I'm heartless, so there should be no problem," Marcus said dryly, as he finished his drink. "Now, what else can we do today to keep you busy? You've already been out riding..." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Derek finished his drink as well, standing up with a laugh. "Yes, and it was a wonderful way to start the day - I highly recommend it. Let's go in and find the rest of the men - we'll just be in the way today, best we disappear for awhile."


By the end of the day, Meredith had been fitted into the gown one last time, while Eleanor observed, adding her comments to the seamstress, who fussed and tucked and stabbed more pins here and there. "You will look stunning, my dear," Eleanor beamed, sweeping her gaze over Kate and Isobel as well. "And lovely attendants as well, ladies," she added.

"Thank you, Your Grace," Izzie murmured, blushing under the scrutiny of the Duchess, dropping a little curtsy.

From there, they checked on the arbor, and a myriad of other details, and the day flew by. Now it was evening, and Meredith and Izzie were curled up on Meredith's bed, sipping tea. "Meredith, I need to ask you something..." Izzie said finally.

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