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The next day, Meredith was in the classroom with the twins, Patrick and Galen. She looked up in surprise to see Lord Derek lounging in the doorway, arms crossed, as he surveyed the room. She smiled softly, heading to speak to him. "M'lord," she said, "I have to thank you again for rescuing me yesterday. You must think me ungrateful to have run away so quickly."

He smiled warmly at her, sending a hot tingle through her body. His gaze dropped to the low neckline of her gown, admiring the creamy skin displayed, as he raised her hand to his lips. He kissed her knuckles - just a soft whisper of his lips, but she shivered. "I'm just glad that you are alright. It would be easy to catch a death of a cold being so chilled like you were." He paused, then glanced at the twins, busy with their studies. "I hear you are doing a fine job with my nephews. They can be very mischievous."

"Indeed, but we seem to be making good progress."

He still held her hand, and she backed away a little. "Don't worry, I don't bite," he assured her. "Unless you wish me to." His voice was sensually intimate, and she met his eyes. Her lips parted softly, realizing what he was hinting at, a soft pink tinting her cheeks.

"M'lord, you are very bold," she said, rather amused. He let her hand go, but she made no move to back away any further for the moment.

"I apologize if I offend you." His blue eyes twinkled at her, as he smiled as if he could tell she was not truly offended at all.

"Apology accepted, sir." Meredith looked back towards the twins. "But I really must get back to work."

"Of course. Until next time, Miss Grey," he said, as he turned to walk away. Meredith watched him as he headed down the hallway, determined not to make a fool of herself over him. But it was going to be very difficult to resist him....


A few days later, Meredith wandered to the stables, telling herself she wasn't really looking for Lord Derek, but disappointed just the same to see that his horse was gone. She stopped by one of the stalls, admiring a small filly that the groom had told her belonged to Elizabeth, Derek's youngest sister.

She looked up suddenly, hearing the pounding of hoof beats, and then Derek thundered into view. Meredith drew her breath in sharply. He was shirtless, his black hair rioting in the wind. His torso, damp with sweat, was lean and as well defined as she imagined from the way his shirt had clung to him. The muscles in his arms and back flexed as he reined in the spirited stallion. His riding breeches only accentuated his tight, muscular legs as he moved as one with the horse, clamping the animal between his powerful thighs. Pure ecstasy burned in his eyes from the joy of riding.

Meredith licked her dry lips, her body tingling again as she watched him pull up and dismount with easy elegance. As he walked towards her, she admired the play of his muscles beneath the breeches, the bulge of his calves in the polished boots. Once he was close to her, she felt faint from the intoxicating male scent of him, a combination of soap, leather and sweat. He leaned closer to her, to look at the filly behind her. "You like Mistral?" he asked, nodding at the horse. "Perhaps we should go for ride together one day. She needs to be exercised." His body heat enveloped her like a warm blanket, and she forced herself to breathe. She closed her eyes for a second, resisting the urge to reach out and touch his chest. She stared at him, the ridges and planes of muscle, swirls of dark hair, the brown nipples. Somehow she dragged her gaze back to his face, her thoughts scattered. What had he just asked her? Oh, yes, the horse, riding with him...

"That would be lovely, m'lord." Her voice was breathy, and then she looked up at him, seeing a spark of desire burning in his dark eyes. A spark most likely answered in her own eyes, she was sure.

Derek felt his body tighten with lust as he stared at her, and without thinking, he touched her face, running his thumb across her mouth. "You are very beautiful, Miss Grey," he murmured, wanting very badly to kiss her. Time seemed to stand still, as they looked at each other. Her chest rose and fell enticingly as he took her small hand in his and kissed her palm seductively.

Meredith trembled, swaying towards him, and then he brushed his lips against hers, tantalizing her with the gentle touch. She moaned softly, her lips parting easily, giving in to his kiss. Then he crushed her mouth beneath his, pulling her tightly against him. He pressed her back against the rough wood of the stall door, devouring her mouth. Her hands clutched at his broad shoulders, feeling the hard muscle beneath the skin. His hands twisted in her hair, as she responded more eagerly to him.

Her lips were sweet and yielding, her soft breasts crushed against his chest. His senses swam with her womanly scent, combined with sweet lavender, and it made him ache for her. His cock was hard, confined in the tight breeches, throbbing painfully.

His mouth dropped to her chest, licking her soft skin, brushing the most sensitive spot at the base of her throat. She arched with every touch of his tongue, and sensations flooded her body. Desire sizzled under his touch, racing through her veins like liquid honey.

It was only the sound of John approaching that made them move apart, breathing rapidly, hearts pounding. Meredith put her hand to her lips, feeling the imprint of his mouth there, her pulse beating wildly. Dear god, what was she thinking? Gathering her skirts, she turned and ran out of the stable.

Derek raked his hand through his hair in frustration. Damnation, she was far too sweet and tempting. That kiss was not enough, but it told him she was just as attracted to him as he was to her. It was true, Meredith was nothing like the women he usually favored, but he wanted her badly. He stalked out of the stable, determined to have her in his bed somehow.

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