Chapter Twenty-Eight: Fool the Senses

Start from the beginning

So it was quite possible Black was actually more upset about Lupin blaming himself for the petition than anything else. Either way, Remus felt too annoyed at Sirius to care. He knew they all found it ridiculous that he was blaming himself. But the werewolf couldn't see any possible way not to. Avoiding three fourth-years talking amicably to several fourth-year Abraesalt students, Remus crept around the crowd as one of the Beatles' newest songs; Baby Please Don't Go, began playing yet again. 

The song had played so many times throughout the night that enough people knew it by heart, leading to them 'singing' it at the top of their lungs. Remus was thankful that several prefects had set spells so the noise of the party would not rise to a volume that would wind up with the Gryffindors in trouble. The weary boy walked out onto the transfigured balcony where those who needed a break from the noise could go while still being a part of the commotion. Remus didn't want to offend Lily by leaving her party so soon, though he was pretty sure she wouldn't notice. He decided the balcony was his best option.

"This is the coolest thing ever," some Hufflepuff student he didn't recognize addressed him, gesturing to the balcony in awe. Remus nodded in agreement. He liked the balcony a lot and had been quite pleased to have heard multiple Gryffindors talk about keeping it there permanently. He was glad Patricia had done the complicated transfiguration after Remus had expressed to her during one of the rowdier songs that he wished he could at the very least distance himself from the noise. The werewolf leaned against the rail of the balcony, keeping his eyes straight ahead so his knees wouldn't begin to quiver. He knew Patricia was very good at transfiguration and he hadn't smelled any alcohol on her but he wasn't entirely sure he trusted her assurance that the balcony would remain conjured for 24 hours.

Music drifted out where he stood, muffled but still easily decipherable, especially with the number of students singing along. The toasts to Lily throughout the night had become more elaborate and impersonal as some of the older students snuck firewhisky into their drinks and by the look of it several younger wizards had as well. Remus wrinkled his nose in disdain, though he could luckily not smell the alcohol from out on the balcony.

He sat down once the Hufflepuff student was called back in by his peers. But he didn't remain alone for long. Remus certainly hadn't expected Lily to come and find him. Nor did he expect her to sit beside him and lean her head on his shoulder with a content sigh. Remus wasn't sure when her leaning against him had become so familiar to him. He hardly ever flinched anymore.

"Enjoying your party?" he asked with a smile, unbelievably grateful he hadn't heard so much as a whisper about the Whomping Willow.

"Very much so. Though I have to talk to Marlene about what is and is not appropriate for children our age. It's like she truly believes she is her older sister. I don't know why she wants to be exactly like her. I want to be absolutely nothing like Tunney. I suppose it's really the older students' fault for encouraging such rowdy behaviour. Thank Godric that Kingsley takes his job very seriously. He just finished confiscating all the flasks, though I wouldn't be surprised if the Prewett brothers and Patricia have some alcohol still going around," Lily spoke fast as she often did but she sounded overall happy, so Remus was glad.

"I haven't given you your present yet," he remarked, after sitting with Lily in companionable silence for a while.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, Remus, you don't have to get me anything," Lily giggled. He ignored her and fumbled with his wand slightly.

"I...had the idea over the summer and did a lot of research. It's still not perfect but...uh..."

Lily had pulled back, beaming at him with eyes that sparkled expectantly. He ignored the missed steps of his heart and managed to keep his hand from trembling. What if it didn't work at all? Regrettably, Remus had not been able to perfect the spell. But coming up with creative things to do with magic over the summer had successfully kept him preoccupied, keeping him away from his dark thoughts. Plus, up until recently, he hadn't had a knut to his name much less a galleon, so he had spent hours over the summer brainstorming what free gifts he could give his friends with magic.

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