Chapter 18 - Epilogue

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The whole group exited out of the cave, but they went separate ways with Makino. She headed back to the village since both clones disappeared. The strawhats and the two brocons headed back into the forest. The brother sworn brothers wanted to pay a visit to their caretakers, since they were on the island. Along the way, they all had a little chat.

"Ace, back to the question before." Luffy reminded him, which made the older one gulp. "How did you figure out about my situation?"

Everyone but the strawhat kept silent. They continued to walk, but they could only hear their footsteps and the animals around him. All of them didn't dare to have eyes contact with the teen, which made him frown.

He repeated his question. "How did you know about my situation?"

"We're sorry." Zoro apologized, which made Luffy's frown even deeper. They all stopped walking and looked at the ground. Luffy stared at them as they made sure to keep their eye contact away. "After you left, Silvia made us watch your past. The past on the island. We watched up to where you defeated the demon and watched your family and friends say goodbye to you."

Luffy had his eyes covered by his strawhat and by now all of them were all looking at him for his response. There was only silent, but after a while Luffy replied.

"I see." He said calmly. Too calmly. "I'm going to have a stroll."

Luffy left the rest and Chopper tried to go after him, but Zoro shook his head. They did invade his privacy. They have to at least give him some time to himself. They could only watch as Luffy left them.

"Just give him some time." Sabo stated. "He'll come around, but if things don't' go out as planned, we can always bribe him with meat. It has always worked before."

Ace nodded. "Let's just go to Dadan's for now."

The strawhats just looked at each other. They didn't really have a choice in this situation, so they followed the two brothers to a hut.

Meanwhile with Luffy, he was sitting on a treehouse and looked up at the sky. They had seen all of it. the past he tried to go past and never look back. Would they still act the same around him? Would he be treated any different? Will things stay the same?

Luffy closed his eyes and thought back on all their adventures. Looking back at the memories of the clone that he created. They seemed to be happy and joyful, surely, they would understand and not look at him any differently. They were his nakama and he was theirs. Though it didn't change the fact that they looked into his past and his privacy, but then again, it wasn't their choice to do it.

It was the goddess of time who was at fault. The damn gods liked to play him with and everyone he loved. It was annoying, but he couldn't do anything about it. They were gods after all. He just had to live with it and make sure that they don't get his loved one into it.

"Why is it always me?" Luffy asked to himself. "Why is there trouble wherever I go?"

It was probably fate or destiny that was doing that to him. He was supposed to save the world, which he did, but there would be more enemies that would want to destroy it. Funny, how he challenged the world to get Robin back and when he punched a celestial dragon he became the worlds enemy, though he was the one who protected it.

Luffy gave a loud frustrated sigh as he scratched his head. He never liked thinking. It was too tiresome and frustrating. He would let all the thinking to be done by Robin and Sabo. They seemed to like thinking.

By the time he was out of his thoughts, it was getting dark. Luffy heard his own stomach growl and then he patted it.

"I'm hungry." He said as he got down from the treehouse and made his way to the hut he lived in his childhood.

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