Chapter 11 - Death

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"They're really planning on summoning an angel?!" Usopp asked. "It's crazy! They don't exist!"

"Usopp" Sanji called out. "There is a demon, there are sea kings and devil fruits, yet angels can't exist? But I do wonder how they're going to summon an angel."

Zoro nodded. "Holy things can only defeat a demon. It's common knowledge. They're opposite to each other."

Robin nodded and others did as well. They all knew that, but the question was how. How were they going to summon the angel? How were they going to get the angel to do what they ask? How would the angel kill Kai?

They all didn't know the answers and wanted to ask Silvia many questions, though they all knew she would tell them to continue to watch the screen to find out.

Yuko and Yuki, along with Chris readied their attacks and fired the at Kai. The demon didn't have any reaction, but he did have a smug smirk plastered on his face. He didn't scream in pain from the injuries and the wounds itself, started to heal automatically.

The battle was getting more intense. Kai was making them run and dodge, while he was just standing there with his smug smirk. Tony held him down with gravity as Makino had her vines wrapped around the arms and legs of the demon. Lea came up for a close attack, but she was pushed away from the arm of the demon once he broke his arms out of the vines.

"This isn't going to work." Muttered Lea. She had to go all out. It was going to be painful and tiring, but it was something she had to do. "Tony! I'm going to do that."

Tony heard the warning and shouted, "Everyone make sure to stay out of Lea's way!"

They all nodded, knowing what Lea was planning on doing. They continued to attack Kai, but made sure to not go anywhere near Lea. She was going to go berserk.

"Animal transformation: Hybrid!" Lea chanted.

Her body started to glow and change. Her legs were ones of a bunny, but her claws stayed the same. Her ears were now on top of her head with the black cat's ears. She grew two horns on her head and wings came out of her back. Her eyes changed into ones of a hawk, and she had a tail. The tail of and end of a snake.

"AWO! That's SUPER!" Franky exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

Chopper also had stars in his eyes. "Cool! She is many different animals, yet she is one person. Does this mean she can be multiple animals at a time?"

"I guess so." Robin said while studying the figure. She identified all the animal parts Lea had on her. "She should many different moves with all the new animal features. It expands her attack choices."

"It makes her more unpredictable." Added Zoro.

Lea rushed in and no one could stop her. They attacked with her, but not near her. The form she was in, Hybrid, was a dangerous transformation. Lea couldn't control the form completely, since there were so many animals combined in one. It could harm her allies and friends. Keeping their distance was the right choice.

Multiple lasers had gone through Kai, but they were all healed. The slashed and scratches from the claws and blades were also all healed. Makino changed her fighting style and had the vines pierce through Kai, and it made damage. She left them in the wound, making sure that Kai couldn't heal them, which did the trick. Kai had to have the wound by itself to be healed. If there was something in between the wound, he wouldn't be able to heal it.

"Good job Makino!" Lea shouted. "We just have to make sure that the attacks are still in the injury so that the demon can't heal. It disturbs the healing process."

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