Chapter 5 - Core

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The group had entered the cave and Luffy immediately had a bad feeling in his gut. He grabbed onto his brother's shirt harder and kept his face down on his chest. Yuki noticing the movement of his younger brother, frowned in concerned. It was the first time Luffy was this scared, but he couldn't blame him. He was being dragged into a cave by marines that were ready to kill him at any moment.

"Ni-chan, we shouldn't go in here." Luffy whispered.

"I know." Yuki whispered back. "But we have no choice Luffy. Don't worry your ni-chans will protect you."

Luffy looked up with tears in his eyes. "But I don't feel good."

Yuko heard and asked. "Are you sick Luffy?"

The youngest brother shook his head. "I'm not sick, but I just have a bad feeling. I don't like it."

"Don't worry Luffy. Nothing will happen." The older twin promised as the group was walking closer to the core.

They continued to go deeper into the cave, but then Rune stopped. Zen dropped the brothers and they took the opportunity to get off the ground. Luffy was in the arms of the blue-eyed brother, while the red one ran to grab Rune and carry him on his back.

"We must leave now!" Ordered the village chief as multiple creatures were clawing down towards them.

The marines didn't run as they pointed their guns towards the creatures, which were coming from the ceiling, but it wasn't working. The bullets were bounding off the scales of the creatures. Marines battled the creatures and died, while the people who knew the danger of the killing machines.

"Yuko, Yuki run. Those creatures are called Scalers. They have hard skin that can deflect bullets and can even stop a sword without getting any damage." Rune explained, as Yuki and Yuko ran to the exit, as Marines were getting killed.

"Is this the end?" Asked Usopp not wanting to watch any more blood getting splatted onto the walls.

"It can't be." Robin stated. "We still don't know how Luffy left the island and what happened to the rest.

Ace and Sabo frowned with concern. Their little brother had to see such a gore scene while he was younger than 7. Yeah, he did see animal blood, but he had to see human blood getting shed. It must have caused Luffy a bit of trauma at least.

"At least, they're free and can escape." Izou commented.

"I hope that Zen guy is dead." Haruta added.

They were out of the cave and were panting at the exit.

"Did you plan that elder?" Asked Yuki as he tried to catch his breath.

Rune shook his head. "No. This is what happens when someone tries to get near the core, which we should be thankful for."

"We have to save our people." Yuko said as he started to head towards the village, which they left the rest of the survivors. Yuki nodded and followed behind the red eyed male.

"Not so fast." Yelled a voice coming from the cave. Knives were thrown and it had hit Yuki's arm. He cried out in pain as the other three called out his name. There was a figure walking out of the dark cave. "You should have stayed in there, if you did the blue eyes wouldn't have gotten hurt."


"He isn't dead?!"

"Haruta you jinxed it!"

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