Chapter 17 - Free

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In the cave, Kai roared breaking free from the grasps of the vines and Robin's devil fruit. He shook the earth, and it could be felt throughout the whole island. It caused confusion to those who had no idea on what caused the shaking.

Animals that could feel the power of the roar, ran away from the cave, and made sure not to go near it. their instincts told them to not go near that place if they didn't want to get killed. Even the tiger king and the huge bear stayed clear from the area.

Makino and Robin frowned and quickly restrained the demon once more. The rest continued to attack the demon and Ace was watching them. Meanwhile, Luffy was hearing voices. One male, one female. They were telling him to kill Kai. To set his spirit free and allow him to be together with his lover.

Luffy frowned and whispered to himself. "Who is talking?"

No one heard it, but the voices seemed to be close to him to hear it. The male answered, "My name is Kei. The woman is named Aiko."

"Kei? Aiko?" Luffy questioned. "I think I have heard those names before."

They both seemed to sigh. They had been with this boy ever since he was containing Kai in his body and they both knew he was terrible with names. He couldn't even get the name Kai right and he had been fighting him for years.

"I'm the so called first chief of the village." Kei explained. "The one who gave the abilities to the people. That person."

Luffy nodded, pretending to know what he was saying, which made both of them sigh once more. Luffy whispered again. "Why do you want to set demon guy's spirit free?"

This time Aiko answered. "Kai, I mean the demon guy, is a forgiving soul, but when I died, he was overcame with angry and hatred. It was like the time you were overflowing with emotions since you lost your family. Though, unlike you, he made a deal with a demon, making him into one. We want to free him, so that there is no demon, and that Kai-demon guy is able to be happy again."

Luffy nodded seriously and had a flashback to when he was crying over his family's death. He was like Kai, but he didn't let it overcome him. Instead, he got rid of all his emotions letting himself fight the demon.

"How do I do that?" Luffy asked. "I can use the holy light thingy, but he survived before, so what stops him from being able to survive it again?"

"Use the holy sword." Kei replied. "You have to summon it and then kill him with it. That's it. the sword can purify him, setting his soul free, but if you kill him with any other thing, his spirit might not be able to be free. It would travel down to hell, and he might remerge someday."

"So, just use a sword that I summon." Luffy summarised.

Aiko agreed. "Yep, that's it."

Luffy nodded. "Got it."

"Remember, he can get confused over the smallest of things." Aiko reminded Kei.

The male shook his head and said, "I can see how he's related to Ash, but then again don't. Ash wasn't this stupid, was he?"

Aiko shrugged. "Who knows? We're spirits, which are also known as ghost. Luffy may be able to hear us, but he can't see us. But putting that aside, the thing about Ash, he wasn't this stupid. It maybe because he has Ivy's genes as well. They were both stupid in their own ways."

Kei sighed. "Why did the smart genes of Leon and Iris go Gol D. Ace? Are we sure that he has any? I mean, Rune was smart, Roger not so sure, but Ace? He's so reckless!"

"It might be because he was raised outside the village and was too busy cursing his father to learn how to use his brain." Aiko suggested. "Who knows?"

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