Chapter 14 - Passing

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A bright light engulfed the whole group making them close their eyes shut. Once they opened their eyes again, they all found themselves in a forest. Ace and Sabo immediately recognized where they all were, after all, they had been raised there.

"We're back on Dawn Island!" Shouted Ace as he ran around but was stopped when Sabo grabbed him.

"Ace, stop." Sabo said with a disappointed look on his face, though he was also happy to be back in the forest they practically lived in. "Remember what we are here for."

Ace gathered his composure again and fake coughed. "Right. But we should go visit Dadan later when Luffy is with us."

Sabo nodded, but the strawhats were confused.

"Who's Dadan?" Asked Chopper.

Ace and Sabo grinned. "Our caretaker. She's a woman among men."

Nami cringed at the last sentence. She didn't think that this Dadan person wanted to be called that if she was a woman, though she did wonder what she was like.

"Does that mean she was the one who had to feed Luffy?" Sanji sweat dropped. It seemed that Luffy had a huge stomach when he was younger as well.

"Well, no. That was us hunting for our food." Ace answered. "So, we were the ones to fill our own stomachs."

Sanji paled. "Are there anymore animals on this island?"

Sabo shrugged. "There should be. The tiger king should be alive, since we never killed it."

"The bear that nearly killed Luffy should be still around too." Ace answered.


"When did that happen!?" Sabo shouted while shaking Ace.

"After you 'died'. We had a fight and Luffy was the trouble magnet he was and got into a battle with a bear." Ace answered breaking the grip Sabo had on him.

Sabo sighed. "That's what Luffy is. A trouble magnet."

The whole strawhat crew nodded their heads. Their captain had luck, but it only happens when his bad luck kicks in. They couldn't count how many troubles their captain had caused, but somehow, they all managed to get out alive. He had twin star luck.

"We better go find out where captain-san is before he loses the battle to the demon." Robin reminded them. "He would probably attack Luffy now, as he is tired from the war he was in. You remember the state captain-san's clone was in, and Silvia said they were connected, so Luffy would be in trouble."

"Let's go." Zoro said. He faced the brocons and all the rest of the crew did to. They were going to follow the lead of their vice-captain, as he was in charge while Luffy is away. "Lead the way. You should know the way since you have been living here."

They both nodded, but they had to figure out what cave Luffy was going to be in. They went through their memories and thought about a particular cave. The cave they would sleep in when it was raining hard, and they couldn't get back to the hut or the treehouse. It was probably the cave that he would go to.

The brothers started to walk and the strawhats followed him. As they were heading over, they all had a conversation and just in case, Sanji and Nami made sure that Zoro didn't get lost. When he was starting to head in the wrong direction, they would hit/kick him.

"This is SUPER!" Franky exclaimed as they headed towards the cave.

Brook laughed, "YOHOHOHO, we have learnt more about Luffy-san and now it's our turn to save him."

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