Part 9

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Here you goooo :)))


Ben stares at the counter, his eyes distant as his brain keeps repeating the scene of last night with Earth.

The boy saying they couldn't be more than friends.

And this morning, Earth has merely blinked his direction before running out of the apartment.

It hurt. But it didn't make Ben want to give up, if anything it only made him want to prove himself.

It's true that he just ended a long relationship, but it was one that was dead long before Earth walked into the bar that night and asked for a place to stay.

Ben has not been in love for a while, he just hadn't found a good reason to end it, till he did. Till his eyes landed on the small boy who's eyes tear up with children movies.

A boy who smiles as of the sun handed him part of its light.

"Man, you've got it bad"

Pavel laughs as he stands next to the man. Ben can only grunt at his friend as he takes a shot of tequila and pours it.

Ben understands where the small boy is coming from, the place of fear he was in a few hours before ending it all with Silvi.

Plus the pressure of not loosing a friendship that he has grown to adore so much.

But is he to do now? When he can't avoid the feelings any longer and his mind screams is EARTH EARTH EARTH like a fucking spell that was casted on him.

Ben was cursed the minute he laid eyes on Earth.

So what is he supposed to do now?

The only thing separating then is the stupid fear.

"Its like you're screaming"

Ben looks up from the bar and his eyes land on her. Silvi sits there with a tiny smile on her pretty lips and sad eyes.

"I came here to pick up my last check, figured I'm no longer welcomed" she explains after Ben only stares at her.

"Why would Ben have your check" Pavel glares hard at Silvi, who only rolls her eyes.

"Fuck off Phoom"

"Go to hell Silvia" pavel growls.

"I'll wait for you there!"

Ben rolls his eyes "you guys are stupid' he states.

Finally he takes out a paper from under the counter and hands it to Silvi, the girl takes it before looking up at him slowly, her eyes sadder than the first time.

"Bye" Ben says, no emotion attached.

"Wait!" She tries to take his hand but Ben is quick to pull it away. She bites her lip. It's over for real this time, isn't it?

"I just ...." She stumble over her thoughts "wanted to say that..." She hangs her head "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have"

"Fine" Ben nods "now please, leave me alone, forever" and he turns walking to the back.

Pavel smiles, happy to finally see the single most horrible relationship end. "Must suck to loose a great guy like him" he chuckles as Silvi glares "good luck finding someone that can put up with you"

The girl stay a couple of minutes as she watches Ben hand a customer a glass of tequila.

"I really did loose him this time" she whispers.

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