Part 4

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Guess who's stuck on chapters for trouble!? This bitch!!
On a brighter note, here you go, this story is coming along nicely and I bet you'll hate Silvi even more. But man do I love writing for her character 🙃
Enjoy ❣️
The door to the shared apartment opens, Earth walks in and gets attacked by the big dog who he has grown to adore so much. He chuckles and pets him "hi bub, I missed you all day!!" He tells the dog.

"Aw youre so adorable" Earth smiles bigger as the Levy snuggles against his stomach and it's almost like the dog whimpers.

Then Earth finally looks up, he sees the girl he met a few nights ago sitting on the couch, she stares at Earth.

"Um, hi, Silvi right?" Earth tries to play it cool, as if he hasn't thought about her all week long.

The girl raises an eye brow, she chuckles and turns back to the TV where some show that Earth doesn't know plays.

"You aren't as cute as they all say" the girl mumbles.


Silvi turns to look at Earth once again, this time her eyes are almost shooting fire.

Earth takes a step back.

"Listen kid, i came to have a good evening with my boyfriend so-"

"Oh hey you're back" Ben enters the living room with a tray of fruit in his hands, he smiles at Earth "I made you a sandwich" he places the tray of fruit on the table.

Earth smiles, tries to, he nods and slowly whispers a thank you.

"Are you okay?" Ben doesn't like the sad eyes.

"I'm fine," Earth smiles "I'll go eat and then head to my room, you guys have fun" he walks into the kitchen not waiting for an answer from his roommate.

Ben stares at Earth's back until it disappears, then he turns to his girlfriend "what did you say to him?"

He is no dumbass, Ben knows the way his partner can be.

"Baby, i did nothing!" The girl pouts.

Ben glares at her a bit, then he sighs talking a sit next to her "please be nice, he's my friend"

"A gay friend!"

Ben groans "that has nothing to do with anything! He's my friend and nothing else, and I love you, why won't you understand that?!" His eyes plead the girl to believe him.

Silvi takes a deep breath, she nods "I'm sorry, i just ...I'm insecure..." She takes his hand "i love you too"

Inside the kitchen Earth stares sadly at his sandwich, friend, ofcourse he's only a friend to Ben, he's the stupid one who fell in love with the man simply for being nice.

Ben inst gay.

Ben is in love.

Ben has a girlfriend.

The boy takes a bite of his sandwich with tears rolling down his cheeks, chewing so that a sob doesn't escape.

After all, he was looking for a new roommate, not a lover.

The next morning Earth tried hard to keep his eyes open, the screams coming from the living room had kept him up for most of the night.

It was an endless battle between Ben and Silvi, her screaming out her insecurities and he telling her it was not right, they would make it out.

Then the screams dying down to quiet kisses, Earth could hear the kisses and those made him tear up.

"Oh, you're still here" Silvi walks out of Ben's room and makes a mean face to the small boy.

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