Part 6

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This chapter is a mess, sorry hehe


It didn't take a long time before Earth regretted his decision.

And he hated himself for it

For many reasons, it was wrong to use Fluke to forget about Ben.

Fluke was nice, he was, and didn't deserve to be treated like that, but Earth knew he had to give it a chance.

Stick to his new relationship because maybe then will grow love.

"Where are you going?" Ben asks as he sees Earth walk out of his room.

Dressed up. Tired. Eye bags.

"Um...I...I have a date"

Ben stares at Earth in shock as his last date with the other was just last night and he came home at round 1:00 in the morning.

"Dude you look dead tired, go back to bed"

Earth shakes his head "I'm fine" he isn't fine.

Last night he and Fluke had argument about Earth not doing more than only kissing and holding hands.

Earth argued they had only been dating for a little over a month and didn't need to go fast on it.

Fluke had gotten angry.

To make it up, Earth promised to spend much more time with him, even when his days were now consumed by work and his relationship.

The boy hadnt seen Pavel in a month, he barely talks to Some, who is worried about him, and even if he lives with Ben.....he only sees his face for minutes.

Earth hates it.

Ben despises Fluke for draining all of Earth's energy.

"Earth..." Ben is about to move closer when Earth takes a big deep breath and stumbles back, almkst hitting the ground.

Ben catches him "Earth!" He looks worried.

Earth grumbles "i got dizzy, sorry" he pushes himself up.

Ben helps his roommate sit down and goes to get him a glass of juice, slowly crunching down in front of him to look at his face.

Dark eye bags, his eyes red and Ben can see how Earth has to try hard so he won't close his eyes.

"You're not going anywhere" Ben uses a voice that the other hadn't heard before.

It's full of authority and strong, his eyes dark and serious.

Really, if Earth didn't know how carrying Ben actually he'd be scared, but he isn't, all he does is let out a loopy smile "P'Bennn I'm fine, na?"

Ben chuckles and shakes his head "you almost hit the floor, no, you're staying here"

Earth is about to say something when there is a loud knock on the door. He jumps a bit at the sound and quickly tries to get up.

Ben stand up quick, places a hand in the smaller mans shoulder, giving him a stern look.

Now that face ...that face causes a lot more things inside Earth, more than the deep, aggressive kisses that Fluke gives him.

Earth shakes his head, he shouldn't be having this thoughts.

Ben goes to open the door, his eyes instantly cold toward Fluke, who stands there with an eyebrow raised.

"Earth, lets go" Fluke glares back at Ben.

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