Chapter 15 - Repeat

Start from the beginning

Kai snickered. "Ok, then the rest are his nakama?"

"We already told you. We're his nakama and we won't let you touch Luffy!" They all growled.

"I wonder if the gods made you do this?" Kai thought out loud. He mocked, "Maybe to make his ability stronger, he has to loss everything again, so they guided you here. Was that it? You were sent here by the gods?"

They all gritted their teeth. It was true that a goddess sent them here and wanted them to save him. To release Kai and kill him, but was she doing to make Luffy suffer again? Was it the command of the gods? They didn't know, but they weren't planning on dying and leaving Luffy alone in that cage of despair.

Zoro started the charge with all three swords ready to slice the demon. Sanji followed with the rest of the group, but Ace stayed behind taking care of Luffy. To protect him if Kai tries to aim at him when the rest aren't looking.

Robin used her devil fruit to restrain the demon for support, Franky unloaded weapons left, Chopper transformed into his strong point, Usopp was firing his shots on the side lines, Nami was using her rod and summoned lightning, Sanji followed up with his round house kicks, Sabo punched the demon and tried to use his dragon claw but was pushed away. Zoro and Brook both slashed the chest of the demon, leaving marks on him.

Kai coughed up blood but healed himself. He wasn't going to fall here. He tried to read their abilities, but he got nothing. None of them had abilities. They were normal humans. Even though some of them had powers, it was thanks to devil fruits. They were never from the island which he was sealed on.

"You-you don't have abilities?!" Kai exclaimed.

Zoro smirked. "We don't need abilities to fight you."

"But! There are unnatural things that can only be abilities!"

"That's thanks to the lovely devil fruits." Ace answered. "Though, the cost is that we lose the ability to swim. Unlike the abilities Luffy has."

Kai cursed. He didn't know how their abilities were going to work and what their moves were. It was going to be troublesome. It seems that people don't need abilities to be strong.

They attacked repeatedly and Kai added more swords to the mix. He had just fought with the angel for control before, so he was sort of tired. He had thought he would succeed to take control without much of a battle, since the kid was battling at a war at the same time. Who would have thought that he had enough energy to fight him?

Kai stepped up a bit and added some lasers and beams to the mix, but they all seemed to know what he was going to do. It was annoying. They kept dodging the lasers, yet still get an attack on him. Though, they didn't get unscathed. They had cuts and blood on their bodies.

The battle was stilling going and Kai tried to get rid of the angel during the battle, but instead of a dead kid, he would have gained a glare from the kid's older brother. People were always in his ways. Always.

Ace and Sabo nodded at each other and told the others that Ace was going to try and wake up the sleeping beauty.

"Luffy!" Ace whispered-shouted. He should the shoulder of the unconscious teen. "Wake up! We need you!"

Slowly, Luffy's eyes twitched. They opened and Luffy was staring in disbelief. He blinked once, then twice. He looked around and saw Kai battling with his other brother and crew. He looked back to Ace and blinked again. His brother was in front of him in the cave he was in for 2 years.

"ACE!?" He screamed, but Ace quickly covered his mouth making sure that no one heard him and knew he was awake, especially the demon. Ace pointed to the battle and Luffy nodded. He continued while whisper-shouting. "What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be out at sea with the old man?! That stupid goddess did something, didn't she?"

Ace sighed. "Luffy, why didn't you tell us?"

"Tell you what?"

Ace gave an 'are you serious' look and gestured his hand towards to battle. "This."

"It was a promise." Luffy answered. "I couldn't break that promise. It was a secret and if I couldn't keep that promise then I failed my family."

"Fine. But Luffy, you could have told us you were in pain."

"Ace, you would call me a cry baby and Sabo 'died'."

"... That's true... Anyway, can you fight?"

Luffy looked down as his hands and clenched them, then opened them. "In a few minutes I think I can."

Ace nodded. "That's good. It seems that I don't have to call for back-up."

"Anyway, Ace how did you know about" Luffy copied Ace's gesture towards the battle and continued, "this."

"Um... We'll tell you later when everything is sorted." Ace replied while looking away, which only made Luffy frown.

"Ok, but we have to make sure that the demon guys doesn't destroy the world and kill everyone." Luffy declared.

Ace sweat dropped. "You still don't know the name of the person you're always fighting with? Luffy, you need some help."

The teen tiled his head and watched the battle unfold in worry. He needed more energy to finish off the demon. The last time he had tried to kill the demon, he didn't have enough energy, letting the demon survive. He was younger and was new to his ability, so he couldn't do the job properly. But now, Kai was getting drained thanks to his crew and brothers, making his job easier.

Makino had awakened and was getting up from the ground. She remembered the group that was planning to release the demon, then she rushed to her feet and dashed towards the now sliced blocked entrance. Once she had entered the room, she saw that Kai was smaller than what she remembered. She guessed that it was back in his original form, but she was surprised that he was getting thrown back.

Kai was struggling against the group. He had no injuries, since he had healed them, but she noticed that his movements were slower than it was many years ago. She looked around and saw Luffy watching the battle in worry. She smiled fondly and headed her way towards the teen.


Ace and Luffy whipped their heads towards her, and they both looked surprised. Their eyes were wide, and they stared at her. Ace didn't think that it would take that short amount of time for her to gain conscious. He thought it might knock her our for a few hours. It had only been an hour.

"Makino!" Luffy cheered quietly. "How are you?"

"I'm fine Luffy, but what's going on?"

"They're planning on killing Kai. They're delaying so that I can have enough energy to kill it." Luffy explained.

Makino raised an eyebrow. "So, they have a plan on defeating Kai?"

Makino thought, 'It is better than last time. We now know that Luffy is the angel we need to kill Kai and Kai doesn't know the attacks and moves of the group, since they don't have abilities. We can actually win this. History won't repeat itself.'

Makino smiled and placed her hands in front of her. She chanted, "Nature: Bind."

Vines wrapped around the demon, giving her all the attention of the room. Kai clicked his tongue remembering the ability from many years. The team was staring in her in confusion. Wasn't she going to stop them?

Like reading their minds, Makino said, "I'm helping because he has already been released. I do not want history to repeat itself, and I want to get revenge for my brother and friends. I don't wish for this island to be destroyed as well, but if it is, I'm blaming it on you, got it?"

The team smiled and nodded. They focused their attacks back on the demon, happy that they had got more support. Robin and Makino worked together to keep the creature at bay.

Kai kept coughing up blood and his healing ability was getting slower. It was frustrating. He was now a demon and yet he couldn't kill anyone of them. They were normal, except the devil fruits, but still. He made a deal and wasn't going to give up until his goal was complete. He had sacrificed too much to get this far. He will kill all those from the island. He will kill all of those who had abilities. He will kill his brother's creation.

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