Chapter I - Traumas?

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Kokichi's pov:

I woke up, I'm very sleepy, but it's not like I can do somenthing about it.

"Let's see what time It is..." I say with a very sleepy voice.

   Oh, already that it is 7 a.m. I'm gonna take a shower. I got up from the bed, and automatically went to the bathroom. I take off my clothes and went to the shower. I turned on the shower and went under the water. 

    All the dye in my hair came down and ran down my body until it reached the wet floor. All the purple dye was gone from my hair, and only my natural color remained. My original hair color is light pink, and my natural eye color is a shade of magenta/dark pink, in reality I don't really know their color to be honest.

   I turned off the shower, grabbed a towel and dried my hair and body. I put my binder and then my classic clothes, dyed my hair again and I placed my purple eye contacts. And then I heard the morning announcement.

  "Rise and Shine, Ursine!" The annoying Monokubs talked in the announcement.

   Oh my fucking Atua, I really it took me one hour for take shower and do the other things?! But do what, I'm gonna go for the cafeteria. 

  I get out of my dorm and straight to the cafeteria. When I arrived in the cafeteria everyone was already there. 

"Awn, you already here? I thought you were dead..." The fucking cumdupster talked

"Awwwn, so the cumdumster miss me? What a trash, ew!" I said teasing her

"G-GAH?! C-CUM?!" moaned that horny bitch

"Ewww, that's disgusting!" I spoke while making a disgusted face

I walked away from Miu as I approached mom, I walk straight in her direction.

"Hello mom!! You can give me some Panta? Pleaseee"

"I'm sorry Ouma, but that's bad for your health, it is okay you drink your Panta in the lunch, dinner or in other hour of the day, but in the breakfast isn't good!" Mom said looking like a real mother

"Awn, okay mom... So you can make me a make a tea, pleasee!!" 

"Okay, I'II do it for you."

"Okyyy, thanks moomm!" I yelled

"That's nothing, I'm just doing my work as a maid." Mom said, when she put her hand in her chest

   A little bit of time passed, and tea was ready.

"Here it is your tea Ouma." Kirumi said when she put tea in the table

   After Kirumi come back for the kitchen, doing somenthing there.

   I looked for my tea again, and start to drinked him. I really like teas, Auntie Celeste teach me like, I really like her, she's have so much style.

   After I started to drinked I start to feel like somebody was watching me. I am starting to feel uncorfotable, It is a strange feeling being watching.

   I start to see everyone that was near me. And literally was watching me driking the tea.

"Guys, I know that I am beatiful, cute. But you guys don't need staring me like that okay?" I sayed


   Bro, Miu's yelled was so lound that just for a little bit don't breaked the glasses

"Just because I am always drinking Panta, means that I don't like anything else." I said, that was like the most obvious thing in the world

"Okay, I have to admited, I am I little shocked, but, Kokichi's right, just because a person drink so much somenthing doesn't means that the person don't like other thing" Kirumi said

"But, anyway, I am going to do some pranks, or maybe not! Who, knows anyway I am a lier isn't it! Nishishishi~" I said, and doing my classic laugh


  Now it was free time, I don't really know what to do. I am a little bored, and I don't really like that. But in that moment I want to act like real me, like Kotoko Utsugi, not like Kokichi Ouma. I have the admit, some times is really annoying have to act like Kokichi when I don't want to, but do what? All of that it is for end this twisted killing game, same If that means making me bad, If i end this fucking killing game and the Danganronpa, I am not just helping the people who already participated of a killing game, I'II help who have the intension in enter in the killing game.

  Eh, I am bored, what I can do? Maybe I can out of someone... Yeah, that's sound good, but the problem is who... Mom it is a good option, yeah, I think I'm good out with mom.

I get out of my room, and went for Mom's room. I was in front of Mom's room. And punch a little bit the door. I wait a little bit and then she opened the door.

"Oh, hi Ouma, what you want? You need some of my services?" Mom said 

"No,no, I just want out a little with you, ya know, I am a little bored and then I think "Why not out with someone"?" I said

"Ah, you want me to out with you? That's sound good for me." She said

   She out of her room and locked her room, after that we go for the garden, we sit in the floor, ans start talking.

"So, mom, why did you resolve be a maid?" I asked, for tell the truth I always asked that to myself. 

"Ah, we can say that, I really like to help people, but, It is a little annoying have to submit you to a person. Some times, I want to be somenthing else" Kirumi said with a sad face

"Oh, I think I undersand you... I don't say that to everyone, but I trust you... Since I was a kid I worked with act, I already make some movies, theaters and other things like that. I always loved to do that. In the start it was just  for fun, but after I really started to do because I was focus in that. But my parents start to use me for get money, they was seeing that all was doing good for me and then start to use me, my "mother" asked tot he producers do somethings with me... Things that I want to forget and that I have trauma. In my city happend a dissaster, and that happen for 2 years, so in that 2 years I don't did it anything, and I think that was good, I reallu was need it that time for myself without acting, but now I can act, of course now I am very insecure about that so I always have some fimilar of mine with me..." I said, It was good venting with someone, I really don't talk that much about this with my siblings (Nagisa, Jataro and Masaru) so It's good to vent with someone else, same If I have to twiste a little bit about the truht about the dissaster

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry about that, I think I can understand you... It was probaly very sad and bad for you, because your own parents did it that to you... But it is good that you can vent!" Kirumi said giving my a little smile

"Ah, it is already time for the lunch, I have to do the lunch, so I am going, but It was good talk with you." Kirumi said

"Oh, ok, bye" 

???'s pov:

   Hum, so him already worked with act and have some traumas with? That's very interesting... Maybe I can use that against him... 

Monokuma's pov:

"Puhuhu that's getting interesting, that give me so much inspiration for soo many differents motives!"

--- Author's note ----------------

In this chapter have 1297 words (without the note) I'm sorry if have some grammar errors, this my first  fanfic in english, and english isn't it my first language, but I think you guys liked that fanfic! <3

&quot;Gentle&quot; | Kokichi as Kotoko | Danganronpa V3 x Danganronpa UDG [ABANDONED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن