Cole's Dream #1

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Nya, Pixal, Sam, and Skylor were there. Kai, Zane, Lloyd, Turner, Jay, and I were there. Zane went to Pixal, Kai went to Skylor, and both Lloyd and Turner went to Sam. Of course, they were fighting over her as usual. Kai kissed Skylor and grabbed her waist. Lloyd and Turner grabbed Sam, and they were trying to get her to like one of them. Turner used his speed to grab Sam aside, leaving Lloyd to chase after him. Then, while he had the chance to, Turner kissed Sam. And Lloyd was so mad. I went to Nya. "Nya, I-" I got cut off by Jay coming. "You can have her, Cole. I'm sorry for starting this feud" he said. I was surprised. "Oh, ok Jay. If you're sure" I told him. "Go for it" he said. Then Nya kissed me. And I kissed her back. Kai was still kissing Skylor, and Zane was still interacting with Pixal. I'm starting to wonder if robots can make out... Sam seemed to be making peace between Lloyd and Turner. Nya kissed me again, then there was beeping.

-Out of dream-
I woke up, by that stupid alarm clock. It ruined my good dream.

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