"You said he works in real estate, right?" Layla asked, picking up her utensils once Lillie Mae had sat down.

"Mm-hmm. He and his best friend from elementary school started a business together, and somehow made it work, despite the fact that they still act like eight-year-olds around each other." Even though she was joking about him, she still spoke with an admiration in her voice that was impossible to miss. "What about your fiancé?"

"Oh, you're engaged as well?" Lillie Mae clasped her hands in front of her like it was the best news she'd heard all day. "That's wonderful."

Layla hoped her smile didn't look as forced as it felt. "Yes. Uh, he works for his parents company, like I do. They created Joyful Juices."

"Joyful Juices!" Kenzie gasped, resting a hand over her heart. Clearly, she'd heard of the brand before. "Oh, God, isn't that perfect? You and him must be the worlds healthiest couple."

"Two brides in the house..." Lillie Mae shook her head with a wistful sigh. "There's almost nothing quite as wonderful to me as a wedding, I must admit. Love certainly is worth the celebration."

"A toast to love," Roman offered with a raise of his glass and a look at his wife that was so tender it made Layla's heart ache.

"I'll toast to that," Lillie Mae agreed, picking up her own cup. "And all the joy it brings."

Jack joined them with a small quirk of his lips. "And I'll toast to all the engaged couples it will bring us, and all the money they bring with them."

Kenzie rolled her eyes, but dissolved into laughter with the rest of them. "Nice, Jack. Very nice. I'll toast to... finding someone who loves you for you."

Again, that deep, dull pain came to Layla's chest. Someone who loves you for you. She'd spent the last six years convincing herself that for her, there was no such thing. She'd done a good job of it too, thanks to all the supporting evidence. But apparently she hadn't done such a good job of fooling herself into believing it didn't hurt.

"To love," Dawson lazily raised his glass, "and everything it teaches." His eyes met Layla's. Your turn, they seemed to say.

She felt the warmth rise to her face and told herself it was from being put on the spot and nothing more. Nothing to do with his lingering gaze or the playful smirk he was wearing.

"To love," she managed, raising her glass to join the rest of them. "And..."

And what? What did she know about love, other than that she wanted to protect herself from ever feeling it again?

"And..." Now her face was really on fire. "Uh, everything that comes with it."

Whatever the hell that means, she thought, grateful that she at least came up with something that sounded like it made sense.

"To love!" Roman cheered as glasses clinked. Layla hoped it wasn't sacrilege to toast to something she didn't believe in.

Thankfully the embarrassment over her fumbled words and the sour sting that the topic of love always left behind didn't last long. The McAden's chatted with ease, every conversation flowing right into the next and each new topic bringing more laughs. Kenzie enthused about her upcoming wedding with so much elation that Layla's face hurt from smiling. And when Roman and Lillie Mae told her the story of their own, it was as if she could feel her heart melting from the warmth it gave her.

Once everyone finished and Roman brought out the boot camp-approved banana pudding, he turned to Layla as he sat back down. "So, how do you like Red View so far? Although I guess you probably haven't gotten to see much of it."

She smiled, nodding as she swerved her spoon through the pudding. "Unfortunately I haven't. I got here later than I expected, so I just drove right through town and came here first. Figured I would just check in to the hotel later."

"Red River Lodge is nice." He gestured to his wife as he continued, "We've known the owners since we were in high school."

Lillie Mae smiled behind her spoon. "So about a hundred years ago."

"Why don't you just stay here?" 

Layla's eyes widened as they focused on Dawson. All conversation stopped, and he looked around with a shrug and a raise of his eyebrows that seemed to ask, What?

"I mean, we've got the guest bedrooms. You won't have to make the trip here and back to Red View every day. You won't have to pay for a hotel. And you can keep an eye on what this one eats." He jabbed his thumb in Kenzie's direction.

She smacked his shoulder with a scoff before turning back to Layla. "As much as I hate to admit it, he is right. We have more than enough room, and it'd be great if it meant we could squeeze in some extra workouts. I'd love it if you stayed—but I understand if you'd feel more comfortable in the hotel."

To be honest, she might. She enjoyed her solitude, and wasn't use to staying with anyone else, since her and Colin had yet to move in together. Plus, being under the same roof as Dawson... it would be like she was making things harder on herself on purpose, and not exactly abiding by her plan to stay away from him.

But at the same time, like he said, it meant she wouldn't have to pay for her two week stay in Red View. And when it came to showing her parents the profitability of her program, removing that cost could be a big help. Was that single pro was big enough to weigh out all of the cons?

"Well... Are you sure I wouldn't be imposing?" Her eyes shot to Jack, who hadn't yet spoken on it.

He rose a shoulder. "I wouldn't mind it. In fact, with the wedding business, I could use the opinion of a woman who isn't in this family."

Lillie Mae gave him a look of mock offense. "Well isn't that nice?"

"You know what I mean. You and Kenzie aren't exactly the most diverse sample group."

She turned to Layla with a smile. "Anyway, I think it's a great idea. And if any of my kids gives you trouble while you're here, you can just call me to straighten them out."

Roman laughed, raising his hand to volunteer. "You can count me in on that, too."

Kenzie grinned. "There you go. Now you can threaten me with that any time I don't do enough reps."

Layla laughed, looking at the warm and open family around her. Something pulled at her, stronger than the desire to go be alone at the hotel. "I guess I can't refuse an offer like that, can I?"

In other words, get ready to see a lot more of McAden Orchard lol 😜 If you were in Layla's shoes, would you stay at the orchard, or in town?

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In other words, get ready to see a lot more of McAden Orchard lol 😜 If you were in Layla's shoes, would you stay at the orchard, or in town?

Next chapter is when things really get started, so strap in! 

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