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-Ivy's POV-

"Princess..." I wake up feeling someone kiss along my neck and shoulder blades. "Mmm.." I smile and feel a hand wrap around my waist. "Merry Christmas princess." I hear Kacchan's sleepy voice and I smile. I turn around and look at him. We slept at my apartment last night, it was like a dream waking up in bed with him. "Merry Christmas Kacchan." I beam and he goes into to kiss me. "Woah woah calm down, I have terrible morning breath you know that." I giggle and he smirks. "I don't care gimme kiss." He grumbles and kisses me roughly. 

He has the worlds sexiest sleepy voice. It was raspy and gruff. And when he woke up he has stubble on his chin that felt even better against his smooth skin. "Are you ready for your Christmas present?" I ask with a smile and he nods. "Are you ready for yours?" He asks and I nod. We sit up and he picks me up. "Let's go." he smirks and I laugh at him. He brings me to my living room and sits me on the couch. "Ok I wanna give you your first!" I say clapping my hands. 

"Fine, my gift is better then your anyways." He winks at me and I huff. "No way! Mines the best!" I beam and grab the box under neath my tree. I hand it to him and he smirks. "Ok let's see..." He pull the top off and I smile. "Holy crap." He mumbles and I beam. "You got me so much!" He says and I nod. "Look at what's inside!" I say and he grabs the thing on top. 

"This... this is the magazine from when I made my debut as a pro." He smiles at me and I nod. "I had to talk to a guy on Craigslist for that... it was scary not gonna lie. But worth it!" I say and he smiles. "A thermos?" He asks picking it up. "A ground zero reusable coffee cup! I made it myself." I say and he looks at it. "This is the stupidest thing ever and for some reason I love it so much." He says and I giggle. 

"Come on there's one more thing." I whisper and look in the box. "Alright." He smiles and pulls out the last thing I was most excited about. "Ta da!" I smile and he blushes at it. "Oh my god.." He smiles and looks to me. It was a big picture frame that was split in two. On one side it was labeled 14 and 17 and the other side was labeled 19 and 23. On the 14 and 17 side it's a picture my mom took of me and Kacchan from the winter break he spent at our house. Me and him were constantly bickering and fighting and in the photo I was throwing a punch at him and he was making an explosion at me and Izuku was sitting scared in the middle of us. But on the 19 and 23 side it was a picture I took of me and Kacchan the day we went to the beach and we started our relationship... 

"You made this for me?" he asks and I nod. "Yeah, do you like it?" I ask nervously and he kisses me roughly. "I fucking love it." He whisper and I smile. "I'm gonna hang it up right by my bed..." He smiles looking at it. "You were so cute." He smiles at the photo and I blush. "Ugh! I was so chubby then." I say and he smiles. "I loved it though..." He says and I blush more. "I still love you." He whispers and my eyes widen. "I um... I love you." He whisper and I smile. "I love you too Kacchan." I whisper and grab his face. 

"I really do." I whisper and kiss him gently. "Good." He whispers and I smile. "Ok now your turn." He whispers and I nod. He hands me a small box and I smirk. I open it up and gasp. Inside was a sliver bracelet and. Along it was a little elephant charm and two other charms. A K charm and an I charm. "Katsuki, Ivy." He points to each and I tear up. "It's white gold. I know you like silver so I got this because it was more expensive and you deserve it." He says and I jump on his lap hugging him. 

"Thank you so much Kacchan." I kiss her cheek and he hugs me back. "I love it so much!" I say and pull it from the box. I put it on my hand and look at it. "It's the most beautiful thing anyone's  ever given me in my entire life." I whisper and stare at it. "I'm happy you like it. It's not to cheesy yeah?" He asks and I shake my head. "Not at all." I smile and kiss him again. "Good." He whispers and I smile.

"God stop crying to shit head." He says and I giggle. "I'm sorry I can't help it." I giggle and he whips my face. "I love you." He says and I nod. "I love you more." I whisper and kiss his forehead. "You deserve it all." He whispers and I smile. "Ok we've gotta get ready for Izuku's Party in a little while." I say and he groans. "It's not till 1. How about I make us some breakfast, We can turn on the fire place and we can watch that shitty Christmas movie you love so much." He whispers and I smile. 

"That sounds perfect." I say and he puts me on the couch. "Waffles?" He asks and I nod. "Yes please!" I beam and he nods. "Get everything set up. I'll be right back." he winks and I smile. He goes to my kitchen and starts making us breakfast. I set up the movie and turn on the fire place. He comes over with the breakfast and wraps a blanket around both of us. We spend the morning eating and watching one of my favorite Christmas movie, This is one of the bests christmases ever... 

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