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-Ivy's POV-

"Come on, you can come inside." I whisper to Kacchan as we get off his bike. "We've been out all day you sure you don't wanna relax alone?" He asks me and I grab his hand. "All I know it you're the only thing that's making me happy right now and I want it to stay that way..." I whisper to him and we stop walking. "How could I say no to that..." He whispers and picks up my chin. He places a kiss gently on my lips and I beam. "Ok cool.." I smiles and bring him to the door. 

We just stayed at the beach all day. We didn't really talk, we kissed though. We kissed a lot. Once the sun started setting and I realized I hadn't eaten anything all day Kacchan called it day and we got on his bike and drove home. I unlock the door and walk inside. As we were taking off our shoes I was tackled in a hug and picked up. "AH!" I scream and look down. "Thank god you're finally home I was so worried about you and you didn't answer your text messages and Ochaco said you were with Kacchan but Kacchan wasn't answering either so I came here but Mom was at the store and so I wait here and I'm so sorry!" Izuku cries and he hugs me tight and squeezes the air from my lung. 

"I-i'm ok Izuku you can let me go!" I squeak and he puts me down. "I always forget that you just fucking got bigger!" I say as I catch my breath. Somewhere in the third year of high school Izuku got a massive growth spurt. He and Kacchan are about the same height now but surprisingly Izuku is taller and he's muscular now too! I think he forgets sometimes too. "Oh sorry I was just so worried about you." Izuku says and I look up seeing he's crying. 

"Aww my big brother cry baby." I whips his tears and he sniffles. "I'm sorry.." He says and hugs me again. "Why didn't you come and tell me? I would have helped you." He says and I pout. I hug him back and sigh. "I didn't know what to say... I was a bit confused about what even happened honestly." I mumble and he lets me go. "Well we handled him so don't worry about him!" He smiles at me and I quirk an eyebrow. "Oh? What did you do?" I ask and Ochaco comes from behind him. 

"I figured out where he worked. Mina told her cousin that he not only cheated on her but... he did what he did to you. And her cousin dumped him! Her cousin also told his parents what he did and kicked him out. Also I'm pretty sure Izuku gave him quite a scare." Ochaco chuckles and Izuku blushes. "I didn't mean to scare him that bad but.. I was just really mad. You can't do that to anyone especially to my little sister. Nobody is allowed to have you." He says patting my head and I smile. 

"I know Zuzu... Thank you for being the best big brother ever." I beam and he chuckles a little. "So you guys were gone all day! Where'd you go?" Ochaco asks and I blush. "Oh uh, I got my bike and took her to the beach." Kacchan mumbles and I nod. "Oh what'd you do there?" She smirks and I blush more. "Nothing! Me and Kacchan just talked  for a little while. He helped me keep my mind off things and stuff." I smile and look too Kacchan. He was staring at Izuku with a slight worried look on his face. "Well I got you guys food. Mom is out with her friends and she'll be back soon." Izuku says and I smile. 

"Oh! Thank god I'm starving!" I say and he pats my head. "I'd love to stay longer but we actually have something to do. I sort dropped everything just to come here and wait for you but I still have a bit of work to do." Izuku chuckle and rubs the back of his neck. "Thank you Izuku! I really owe you one." I hug him and he nods. "I'll always be here for you Ivy." He whispers and I nod. "I know Zuzu." I pat his back and he lets me go. "Thank you Ochaco. You're the best future sister in law in the whole world." I say giving her a hug. "You too! Thank you for letting me help. And.." She looks at Izuku and kacchan as they talk quickly behind us and she smiles at me. 

"Good luck with Kacchan.." She whispers and I blush. "W-what?" I ask and she giggles. "I know you two like each other. Don't worry about it I won't say anything to Deku." She smiles and I blush. "I.. Thank you Ochaco." I whisper and she nods. "Anything Sis." She winks and we giggle together. "Ok come on Izuku lets go." She says practically pushing him out. "Oh ok! Bye guys see you at work!" Izuku yells and they leave. "Jesus.." Kacchan mumbles and I laugh. 

"Wanna go upstairs and make out on my bed?" I ask him and he smirks. "Hell yeah." He picks me up and I giggle. We walk up to my room and he places me on the bed. He lays above me and I wrap my arms around his neck. "For a bitch who's never kissed anyone else you're the best fucking kisser ever." He whispers to me and I chuckle. "I've never kisses anyone other than you but you too." I whisper and he rolls his eyes. "Listen.. about your brother." He mumbles and I smile. "I don't want to tell him we kissed." I say and he sighs. "Thank you." He blushes and looks down. 

"I've done enough shit to that nerd and our... friend ship is relatively in a good spot right now. I don't want him to get pissed at me and then I have to beat his ass up again." He smirks and I chuckle. "No I get it and... I mean we're just kissing it's not like we're like officially dating or something like that." I whisper and he furrows his eyebrows. "huh? Who the fuck said that!" He yells and I blush. "W-what?" I smile and he kisses me. "If I'm kissing you then I'm the ONLY one kissing you. I told you. I don't share." He says and my eyes widen. 

"Kacchan... here you asking me to be my girlfriend?" I whisper and he blushes. "Tch... yeah." He mumbles and I smile. "Oh jeez. If you told me when I was... 14 years old. That'd I'd be Katsuki Bakugo's girlfriend! Oh my god.." I say and he laughs at me. "I'm your first boyfriend yeah?" He smiles at me I nod. "Yeah you are. Number 1." I say and he smiles. "Good." He kisses me and I close my eyes. Last Friday was single handedly the worst night of my life... But   this makes up for it. Kacchan makes me happy. 

"Can you stay the night here Kacchan? You can borrow Zuzu's clothes that he keeps here." I say and he grunts. "Tch fine. But remind me to bring my own clothes next time I stay here." He whispers and I nod. "Will do." I kiss him and he kisses me back. This is perfect... 

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