It Takes Two To Tango 1: All Alone

Start from the beginning

"No," Impulse murmurs, "We all love you."

"Then why didn't anyone come?"

Impulse sighs, "I don't know, No one ever saw the message."


"I don't know..." Impulse sighs.

Widening his eyes slightly Keralis gasps, "The chat reset... let me look."

Nodding Impulse turns back to Tango, "why didn't you come for someone?"

Tango takes a deep breath and attempts to collect his thoughts, "I assumed that since no one came to check on me, that you were all tired of having a kid around. I can't do much... as a little kid. I've died like every other week, I'm not normally this bad at staying alive..."

Zedaph gaps, "Yeah, that's true. I wonder why. Might need some testing."

"Where's your comm?"

"On my bed."

"Tango, look at me," Impulse sighs, "No one cares that you're a kid. We don't think any less of you."

"It's so much to deal with and I have to stick with someone."

"Ok," Bdubs grins, "The four of us here are the ones who normally take care of you. I don't mind it in the slightest. You all put up with me trying to make everyone sleep."

Zed nods, "Yeah, you all make sure I don't get lost if I go in sheep mode."

Tango nods softly, "I get it. Thank you..."

"Next time you respawn," Keralis grins, "Make sure your text goes through."


Opening his eyes Tango groans, he was back to normal for five days, and of course, He gets creepered.

Sending out the text he watches to make sure someone replies before getting dressed. The thought that they left him on purpose last time sneaks back into his mind.

Before it can dig in too deep, a knock comes from the door. Trotting over Tango pulls the door open and blinks up at Bdubs.

Grinning Tango pulls him in, "Hi."

"Hi," Bdubs grins, flicking his tail.

Tango closes the door behind him and heads over into his sitting room. Sitting down, Bdubs leans back as Tango starts pulling a movie up.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok," Tango shrugs, "Head's a little fuzzy, but I'm ok."

Bbubs nods and watches the movie with Tango for a few hours. After he falls asleep Tango hops off the couch and grabs him a blanket.

After a moment of watching him Tango wanders into his kiddie room to grab one of the unopened lego sets. This one's a bunch of flowers.

As he settles down to start working on it he remembers something, something Zedaph had said without thinking.

He was talking about a villager but still. "Having kids is really really difficult. I have to look after this Young whippersnapper."

At the time Tango laughed, now it stings a bit...

As much as tries to spend time with Impulse as Zedaph, he's always the one who initiates the meet ups. Sure the others are busy, but they could try to make time for him especially when he's a kid.

Bdubs and Keralis are awesome. They just aren't Zedaph or Impulse. Sure he only respawned with their full attention once, but they just make him feel safe and protected.

A knock comes from the door, surprised Tango grins and pulls the door open, "Hey, Joe."

Joe smiles sadly as he sits on the floor: he's in his human form, "You thought I was someone else?"

Tango nods and sniffs a little, "Yeah... I miss Impy. And Zed."

"Hey, hey, Shhhh, it's ok," Joe murmurs as Tango raises his arms up for a hug, "What's wrong."

"They don't come over unless I ask..." Tango whispers, a dark cloud surrounding his head as he looks out the door, "They don't get it. I need them right now and they, they just don't seem to care. I wish they knew what it feels like."

As Tango cries into Joe's shoulder, he rocks him gently, "It's ok, I've got you... would you like me to talk to them?"

"Yes please," Tango hums after a moment, "Tank you."

Joe smiles softly at the sleepy child. His head jerks up as he feels something odd ripple through the server.


Grian: @all guys, impulse just collapsed

Grian: He's not waking up

Xisuma: oh my,

Xisuma: I'll teliport him to the spawn egg

Grian: Ok

TangoTek: wat hapened?

PearlescentMoon: we where talking

PearlescentMoon: then he just collapsed.

JoeHills: Is Zedaph ok?

Xbcrafted: I'll go check

Xbcrafted: found him

Xbcrafted: he's not waking up

Once both are in the spawn egg and have had their code checked the others are allowed in the egg.

Wings fluttering tango bolts over to them. Tear filled eyes look up to Xisuma, "Are they ok?"

"Sleeping," The admin explains, "They just won't wake up."

Crawling up beside Impulse, Tango lays down and curls up next to him. When he falls asleep Cleo picks him up and moves him to the couch and is given one of his plushies.

Elsewhere on the server two forms start to stir.  

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