Wrath And Vainglory

Start from the beginning

I grabbed Pyrrha's sword in its spear form and stuck it through th ship so she can't call it back. And I used my tail to grab Jaune's waist and slammed him against the wall.

Pyrrha went to hand to hand I round housed kicked her she was able to block with her shield but it still sent her flying. Ruby used her speed and saved her from hitting the glass. Yang stepped up and put her fist and hand together and said

Yang: "about time we had a rematch"

Y/n: "you call this a rematch? I call this a warm up round"

Yang:" hmm nice one"

Team RWBY walked closer then spread out

Ruby:" full out assault!"

Ruby started sniping me but I used my tail to grab a dead body and blocked the shots.

Weiss: "I wonder why your so strong but you use this power to appeal the chaos gods"

Y/n: "because of the chaos gods i am as powerful as I am. I use their gifts to carry out their will but at the same time my own goals"

Weiss:"respective enough for a mass murdering heretic"

Weiss grabbed her rapier and went for a flurry of stabs she ducked and ruby was right there mid swing she was about to strike but I used my teeth to grab the edge of the scythe.

Ruby:"interesting Y/n but you forgot about one thing!"

Y/n: "oh did I?"

Blake somehow concealed her presence. she goes for a strike to my kidney the screen slowed down right before a clink was heard.

Y/n:" Didn't you notice my armor was different?"

This is one of Dralaton's abilities.

A giant gapping maw appeared on my armor


Y/n: "Devour Fest"

The maw started chewing on Blake's weapon her weapon started deteriorating at fast speeds she flipped a switch on her hilt and it let's go of the blade.

Blake mind:" a armor that's both offensive and defensive, if it wasn't to the imperium's tech my weapon would have been done"

The maw goes back to normal armor plating

I spinned around with my tail resulting in a area attack pushing back Ruby and Weiss a bit Blake then said

Blake: "YANG! NOW!"

I looked above me to see Yang's eyes are red and she's glowing

Y/n: "What the hell?"

She drops down on me with a fist I counted with my own fist

Y/n: "you think your strength is above mine?"

Yang grew a even more angry look she did a flurry of punches I didn't even punch back only using the palm of my hand to counter her strikes

Yang then got infuriated and kicked me over to the glass window of the ship

Ruby: "Yang! Wait the glass!"

Weiss:" oh no what about team Jnpr!?"

Blake: "with Y/n weight that glass is done for and us along with it!"

Yang: "well shit!"

I crashed right through the glass of the ship I got a little dizzy but regained my thoughts I shook my head a bit and saw team RWBY and JNPR out in space. Losing oxygen. Dying...

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