Chapter 13

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Once the armor attaches itself to azu...when it does Zane recognizes the visor of azu's mask

Zane was amazed by her appearance and that she was the one who saved him long ago Zane;wow Zane said but it gets cut short as he gets knocked back by black beetle

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Zane was amazed by her appearance and that she was the one who saved him long ago
Zane said but it gets cut short as he gets knocked back by black beetle

Azu kicks green beetle away as he got close and fires a blast of malice towards black beetle knocking him down

Zane gains his bearings and joins azu
Zane; you're ark?
Zane asked as he looks at her

Azu:no I'm his follower but let's talk about this later
Azu said as she and Zane take a stance as green beetle and black beetle get back up

Zane;so much for having a peaceful day right Azu
Zane said

Azu chuckles
Azu said as she and Zane charged towards black and green beetle

As they fight green and black beetle it became apparent that zane and azu's team work was unstoppable as they caused black and green beetle great damage

Green beetle;we should leave now
Green beetle said as he and black beetles armor were damaged

Black beetle growls in anger as he knows that green beetle was right
Black beetle; for now your luck boy
Black beetle said as he and green beetle leave with their tails between their legs

(Time skip)

After that whole fiasco Zane and azu returned to base and told the others what had happened and with that they would have to be on high alert for anything.....right now Zane was getting checked out by azu in the infirmary

Zane;I'm telling you I'm fine azu
Zane said as he stays still as azu puts on bandages on his right arm

Azu;no your not you have burn marks and cuts on you
Azu said as she finishes putting the bandages on him

As. She finishes that Zane's arm began to spasm again causing Zane to hold it down

Zane said as he holds his arm

Azu;how long has that been happening
Azu asked as she looked at Zane

Zane;it start after I got that metal hopper form but it's fine don't worry about it
Zane said as he feels his arm stop spasming

Azu gets cut off by horobi and Jin walking into the infirmary

Jin;zane there's mean people near our base
Jin said shocking zane

Zane;wait what how
Zane said as he gets up

Horobi;it's your ex family and that " team " but it appears that they got new members
Horobi said as he shows zane and azu a tablet with a image near their base

Zane;they found this location by following us at least they have enough brain cells to do this
Zane said as he goes to the control room

Jin;what are you going to do Zane?
Jin asked

Azu;he's probably getting the base into lockdown so they can't get in here
Azu said as horobi,Jin and azu hear the intercom go off

Intercom;lockdown has been activated please stand by for more instructions
The intercom announced

Horobi;I'm going to train
Horobi said as he heads to the training area

Jin;Horobi wait up
Jin follows Horobi as azu sighs in desapointment

Azu;why does this always happen
Azu said as Ikazuchi walks into the infirmary

Ikazuchi;hey what's with the lights
Ikazuchi asked

Azu; Get out!
Azu yelled

Ikazuchi quickly ran away
Ikazuchi;never mind sorry!
Ikazuchi said in fear as he ran

(Third pov)

Zane's ex family and team were right outside of Zane's base trying to get in but it was a fail as kid flash tried to search for an opening and got zapped by a turret....Megan tried to phase through the defense but the base shot flames at her preventing her of beetle tried to blast his way in but gets destroyed by the shielding making his attacks hit him instead of the base.....superboy went to punch his way through but the shielding of the base was to strong for him to break through.....beast boy tried to sneak in by turning into a Mikey but got hit by a sleeping darts....lagoon boy well let's say he got shocked so much he smelled like burnt fish....the other members of the team tried but it the useless to even break through the defenses

Rouge;Zane turn this defensive off right now and come out here
Rouge yelled but he was ignored

Jessica;your going to fix Sara's driver you hear me young man
Jessica said as she also gets ignored

Sara;you weakling come out here and fix the damn driver
Sara said as she bangs on the door of the base but she gets shocked by the defenses

Barn;Zane please at least talk to us
Barn said trying to use a better approach

A intercom comes on and Zane's voice began to speak through it

Zane; at least one of you said please what do you want I'm pretty sure that I'm making it clear that no of you are coming in
Zane said

Nightwing:Zane come back to the team and repair Sara's driver and we won't arrest you
Nightwing said

Zane hears this and talks again
Zane;hang on really your going to arrest me for being a hero and saving people like you but better yea no way man besides I should arrest you guys for trying to get into my property when your not welcomed
Zane said

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