Bonus 2 - Dragon babies

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The first day of school is always chaotic. Eddy and Brett walked their five children to the school located at the edge of the fairy's territory. As they approached the front gate of the school, Eddy watched in amusement as Brett rushed from one child to another, checking every school material is packed, their lunch box not burned, and making sure Sarah is not pulling on Willow's hair.

"Bye, pa."

"Remember, Edwin, flying out in the middle of the class is unacceptable."

"Love you, dad."

"Love you too Sarah, and stop biting your nails."

"I will see you after school!"

"Yes, Willow, and you know what we discussed last semester: if you burn down the playground one more time, you will be grounded for a week."

"Do I really need to eat this pa?"

"Yes, Robin, make sure to eat all the veggies in your lunch box. No picky eating."

The mysterious appearance of the eggs stopped after five. Their half-dragon babies all grew up with some magical traits and dragon spirits. Willow, Edwin, Sarah, Robin and...

"Reia, you should go in now. You can't be late for class."

Reia fidgeted at the front of the school gate, hesitating. Reia, the youngest and the smallest of the family resembled Brett the most. She was shy but sweet, delight in the family. Her red hair blew in the wind as she looked up at Brett.

"but I'm scared."

"Why, baby?" Brett kneeled down next to Reia with concern. Is his little baby being bullied in school?

"Willow, Edwin, Sarah, Robin - they are all really good at magic and I suck at every spell I do and my friends make fun of me and I'm going to fail all my classes and-"

"Reia, that's not true. You're doing so well," Brett patted Reia's head gently.

Brett looked behind, signaling Eddy with his eyebrows. Eddy sighed as he took Reia's hand.

"I will walk you to your classroom, Reia."

Reia was half dragged to the classroom, taking small and slow steps at the time. They arrived in front of her class soon though. Reia looked up at Eddy, biting her lower lips.

"Why am I not good at magic?"

"Magic is not everything Reia. And you will eventually know how to do it."

"I can't. I can't even do simple spells," Reia pouted.

Eddy chuckled as he pinched Reia's cheek with affection.

"You see, your dad was also a terrible magician. Worst in the school."


"Yeah, but see, he turned out to be the best magician in history."

Eddy kissed Reia on the head, smiling.

"And we are proud of you whether or not you are good at magic, baby. You are still the best violinist in the family."

"Next to pa."

"Yes, next to pa."

Reia beamed as she ran into her class, saying hi to her friends.

When Eddy returned back to the front gate, Brett was waiting for him.

"Was Reia alright?"

"Yes, she was just upset for a moment. She got right back on her happy mood though."

They held hands as they walked back home, enjoying the peace for a moment.

"It's kind of lonely without the children actually."

Taking care of five children took all their quiet and peace away from them for years. It was bustling, full of love but Eddy missed this private moment with Brett. Eddy swooped up Brett in his arms, landing him on the bed.

"There was something I was dying to do, you know."

"I think I know what you want," Brett giggled.

Eddy kissed Brett gently, caressing his cheek.

"Are you happy, Brett?"

Brett smiled as he kissed Eddy back.

"Yes, Eddy."

This is everything I have dreamed of.

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