A step forward

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Brett's life changed a 180 degree after Eddy entered his life.

First of all, there was no more jeering from the other students. Eddy made sure whoever makes fun of Brett would get a deathly stare and a threatening growl. Those students retreated to the far back corner of the classroom in fear. Nobody fucked around with dragon, and Eddy made sure his summoner would get the respect he deserves.

Second, Brett's magic has improved - somewhat. Eddy's spartan coaching led Brett to concentrate better on using what little mavis he has in his system. Brett could accomplish at least a simple fire manipulation trick with Eddy and was ready to enter a Familiar Worldcup with these spells.


"Good morning, young one," Eddy whispered as the sun began to rise.

Brett yawned and interlocked his fingers more strongly in Eddy's hands.

They were growing used to each other and to this weird feeding system they had made. It was working, and maybe, it was working too well.

Eddy gazed at Brett squirming inside the blanket, attempting to sleep more.

"It's a big day, we should wake up," Eddy whispered again.

It was the day of the Familiar Worldcup.

Eddy knew Brett slept late last night - again. At night, Brett always ran to the library, searching about dragons and multiple familiar contract spells. Brett didn't tell Eddy why, but Eddy just had a vague idea that Brett was trying to control Eddy better, control his hunger better, to be more exact.

And that sent guilt through Eddy.

He told Brett that he does not want to hurt any more lives, but he wasn't sure himself if that was possible. Hunger was like a fire inside him, engulfing him and blinding him of all other senses. It was the most powerful instinct he had, and he was afraid of hurting this fragile young magician if this feeding system breaks apart in any way.

Something about Brett just made Eddy want to protect him from any harm. The pale skin with rosy cheek, his crooked glasses, shy smiles, and the way he always tries way too hard, just sparked an emotion inside him that Eddy couldn't name - and he denied to name it.

It would be a disaster to name it.

"Are you hungry?" Brett asked finally, opening his eyes.

"No, I'm alright. It can wait," Eddy unlocked his fingers from Brett's hands.

Eddy was always hungry but he refused to tell Brett about it. What little mavis Brett has, he didn't want to drain it completely to make Brett drowsy during the day.

So the risky playing of hunger continued on.



The Familiar Worldcup tryout took place in the outdoor school auditorium. Each competitor was called onto the stage and the competitor demonstrated a signature magic spell with his familiar. Depending on the intricacies of the spells and the student's grades, the judges decided on who will enter the real competition.

Brett had almost no hope that he can enter the real deal but he just wished he would not make a fool out of himself in this tryout.

"Competitor 12 - Arthur Crook."

A handsome student with a giant ogre walked on stage. There was applause from the audience. The student put a spell on the ogre so that it will grow twice in size and strength. The ogre picked up the large boulder and threw it across the auditorium and to the forest. Birds flew as the boulder hit the trees and crumbled into sand.

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