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It was a grassy hill, covered with small white wilting flowers. The grass was wet from a thick fog, swaying in the breeze.

Brett saw a red-haired girl in the distance, crouched down on the ground. Brett walked dreamily until he was right in front of her.

"Are you alright?" Brett asked. His voice seemed to echo in every direction.

The girl looked up. She was crying. Brett knew immediately who she was, even though he has never met her before. His past life.


"I made a terrible mistake," the girl wiped her tears with her sleeves.

Brett crouched down in front of her, meeting her teary eyes.

"We all make mistakes," Brett replied calmly.

"I knew beastie loved me. I never regretted loving him. I was stupid. I was so stupid," Reia cried as she put her head between her knees, trembling.

Brett put his hand on Reia's shoulder, patting her reassuringly.

"Yes, he loved you very much."

"He will hate me now. He will absolutely despise me," Reia sniffled.

"No, he doesn't. He made peace with it, I'm sure."

Reia looked up with a puzzled look on her face.

"How do you know?"

"I just met him. We love the same monster, I see," Brett smiled.

Reia's eyes widened.

"Is he alright now?" Reia asked shakily.

"Yes, I will keep him safe," Brett hugged Reia, rubbing her back slowly.

"I broke his heart," Reia whispered.

"And I will fix it," Brett promised.

The fog became thicker and thicker, and it was all dark again.



Brett woke up to the smell of rice cooking. Blinding sunlight was peering through tattered curtains, creeping to his body.

It took a while to grasp where he was and what happened yesterday.

Where was Eddy?

Brett peeked from the sheet and found Eddy over the kitchen, stirring something on the stove. 

"What are you cooking? Smells good," Brett asked.

"Fish porridge. Thought you might be hungry from working out yesterday," Eddy laughed.

They walked to the kitchen and ate a bowlful of the porridge Eddy prepared for them. It was good really, but Brett couldn't help but come back to reality. They can't stay here forever. He knew fairy territory's time is different from the mortal world. One hour here could be one year outside or vice versa. Brett had no idea how much time has passed in the school he left behind. The longer, the worse the gap will be.

Eddy was thinking the same thing as he stirred his porridge, looking outside the window with blank eyes. For Brett, they should get going soon.

"We need to get back to the mortal world today. We've been here long enough," Eddy spoke.

Brett groaned as he remembered what happened before they got here.

"Oh my god, the council is surely going to kill you - or us for sure."

"Well, that's understandable. I almost ate the kid there in the village. Not very nice," Eddy sighed. He still didn't understand why he was let loose all of a sudden that night.

"Is there anything to prove that you were innocent 500 years ago? That might ... earn some pity from the council maybe?" Brett began biting his nails and Eddy gently took Brett's hand away from his mouth.

"It was 500 years ago. Let it go."

"But..." Brett thought hard for a moment. Then, his head perked up.

" about Reia's staff? Do you have it?"

"Reia's staff?" Eddy's eyebrows furrowed as he thought for a moment.

"Maybe the old fairy lady has it still. I heard the forest fairies took her belongings and stored it away after her funeral," Eddy muttered.

Brett's eyes sparkled in excitement.

"We should definitely take the staff back to the council."


"There's a new technology that tracks the magic used in the staff these days. I heard it's used by the police. Maybe the staff can be evidence to reveal what really happened 500 years ago."

Eddy tapped his fingers nervously on the table.

"After 500 years still? Would it work?"

"I'm not sure," Brett shook his head but looked up determinedly. "But that might be our only shot to keep you alive."

Eddy was silent after that. After a long sigh, Eddy spoke up with hesitation.

"I don't mind being ... extinct if the code is broken and you're safe Brett," Eddy whispered as he placed his hand on Brett's hand.

"What do you mean?" Brett asked wide-eyed.

"I don't want you to get in danger because of me."

"I'm safe with you."

"No, you saw how I can get wild from hunger. And that protection shouldn't be broken, Brett. Ever. I saw how much Reia suffered from the curse. Can't let that happen to you too."

It was Brett's turn to fall silent as Eddy gripped Brett's hand tightly.

"I'm happy that I met you. And I love you very much. We had our moments and that's what matters," Eddy continued on.

"Don't talk like you're going to die," Brett whispered.

"I lived old enough, young one."

"I haven't, and I want to spend it with you."

Brett stood up, fighting back tears.

"I'm going back to that fairy's house to search for the staff."


"Don't stop me. I can't let you get killed."

"My death might be the best way to end the mess we are in," Eddy muttered.

"Mess? You think what we have is... just... mess?" Brett asked, hurt.

Eddy flinched, feeling the pain in Brett's voice.

"I wasn't meaning-"

"I'm different from Reia, Eddy. I'm never going to let you go. So don't let go of yourself either."

I promised Reia.

Brett's fiery eyes bore into Eddy's and Eddy couldn't help but nod, trusting Brett's decision.

"Alright," Eddy gave in, standing up from the table.

They walked back to the fairy's house to search for Reia's staff that Eddy could remember only too well. 

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