Bonus 1 - Dragon babies by Mycuriosity

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"Do you feel weird today?"

"Weird how?"

Brett shrugged his shoulders, adjusting his glasses.

"I don't know, just weird."

Eddy looked at him disapprovingly and shook his head.

"Nothing's weird today."

"Maybe it's just the weather", Brett mumbled and went back to the little garden he was trying to make in front of their small house in the fairyland.

He used a little magic to get the first seeds to grow and looked at how little green sprouts came through the soil.

"That's cheating", Eddy called from the house.

"Not if you don't tell anyone", Brett yelled back, looking happily down to his work.

Not a moment later, he struck up his nose up to the sky again.

Something was weird today.

Something was in the air.

He still felt a weird tingle going from the tips of his fingers down to his toes in the evening. It actually had become stronger throughout the rest of the day. Eddy looked at him weirdly when he tried to physically shake it off.

"Don't ask", he simply said and put on a shirt for sleeping.

They went to bed as usual and fell asleep as usual.

Nothing was usual the next morning.

Because when they woke up, facing each other, a golden egg laid between them.

They both just stared at it.

The surface was smooth and shiny and it was big. Definitely bigger than a chicken egg, bigger than any egg Brett had ever seen.

Neither of them said anything but when Brett softly laid a finger on the egg, a strong tingle went through him again.

He looked at Eddy and by the astonished face he made, he knew that Eddy had felt it as well.

"What is this?", Brett asked quietly.

"I don't know."

"You are 500 years old."

"So what?"

"You must know something about suddenly appearing eggs."

Eddy rolled his eyes and patted Brett's head softly.

"Eggs don't just suddenly appear."

"What's this then?"

"I don't know", Eddy repeated, looking very much like he tried to solve this riddle.

And then he simply got up.

"Are you just going to leave me and the egg behind like that?", Brett called after him.

"We have to figure out where it came from."

Brett sighed and leaned back, still staring at the egg in front of him.

"Don't feel neglected, he can be a bit difficult from time to time", he tapped the surface of the egg again and another tingle went through him.

"Did you touch it again?", Eddy called from their kitchen.


"Are you lying?"


Finally, Brett got up as well, dressed himself and wanted to join Eddy. In the last second, he turned around and grabbed the egg from their bed. It was so big that he needed both of his hands.

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