The most annoying thing was that Brett couldn't erase a strange feeling inside him that he couldn't put into words after the kiss. His heart pounded when he thought of the moment again when Eddy's hot breath touched his lips. Brett blushed and shook his head, trying to get over it. He was just confused, that's all.

Brett confronted Eddy, his face still sour.

"Eddy, behave," Brett muttered.

"I AM behaving, master," Eddy said the last bit sarcastically.

"Well, stop sticking your head up the window. You are distracting everyone," Brett hissed.

"Then stop being so angry at me. As a familiar, I was doing my best not to eat my summoner...and the kiss wasn't too bad after all, right? It can't be the worst one you will experience during your lifetime." Eddy replied back, rolling his eyes.

"I command you, Eddy, shut up," Brett whispered through his teeth and the gold runes appeared around Eddy's body, making his mouth shut.

Brett was about to storm back to his classroom when a girl came out of the classroom backdoor.

"Hey Brett, the professor wanted to let you know that the homework is from page 67 to 73 practice problems."

Her eyes were clear green and her black hair flowed like a river of thick locks. Her voice was kind and gentle as she spoke to Brett.

"Oh, thank you, Stacy," Brett murmured, blushing.

Stacy smiled and went back inside. Eddy smiled mischievously.

" it's her?" Eddy asked slyly as the gold runes finally disappeared.

"What? What do you mean?" Brett flinched, his eyes lost.

"The person you wanted to have your first kiss with, maybe?" Eddy's smile widened as Brett's face turned tomato red.

"What-no. She...Stacy already likes someone."


"That guy in the front row - Jason. He's the hottest guy in school."

Eddy looked up the window and saw a muscular blond guy in the front row, answering the professor's question.

"So my poor master has a competitor," Eddy sighed, wrapping his arm around Brett's shoulder.

Brett squirmed away from Eddy's grip.

"I'm not competing. I'm just...I'm just a background guy."

"Yes, I take that back too. The fastest way for you to be like Jason is to throw yourself down the balcony and be reincarnated into Jason's grandson," Eddy joked. Brett didn't laugh.

"But now, you have a chance," Eddy's eyes sparked.

Eddy finally figured out a way he can make up for his morning mistake, and possibly other mistakes he might make because of his never-ending hunger.

Brett looked up into Eddy's face, puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"You have me, the coolest familiar in school. Not everyone can have a dragon," Eddy boasted, his shoulder widening.

"I'm still a terrible magician though," Brett fidgeted his fingers in distress.

"Not anymore. I'm a thousand years old creature who dealt with the greatest magicians of all time. I can teach you - magic."

Eddy laughed silently in his head as Brett's eyes filled with hope.

" can do that?"

"Of course, you are the summoner of the last dragon. You need to become someone who deserves to have a familiar like me," Eddy snarled.

Brett's heart pounded. The dragon had a point. This beast should know even the most ancient magic unwritten in history. The creature can maybe teach him to be a real magician that no other professor could accomplish in school.

"How about, we start our journey with this-"

Eddy ripped off the poster on the wall behind Brett.

Familiar Quest Worldcup. Every student with familiars is welcome to join.

"Familiar WorldCup?" Brett read the poster, his voice anxious. The competition was very cut-throat and only top-class students were known to join this competition.

Eddy lowered his head, meeting his gaze with Brett's nervous eyes.

"I'm sorry for the morning incident young one, but now we're a team. You named me and we need to survive together. You give me the mavis I need and I will make you the hottest guy in school, how's that?" 

THE BEASTHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin