Chapter 14

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She told Jenna about Devil's visit last night. The woman eyed her as if she had grown two heads. She asked her how he looked like and what did he do and that was the point where Ara clammed up. Her cheeks tinted red as she recalled what the Devil had done to her. He smelled and sucked her like his favorite food. Humans'flesh must be his favorite food, she had concluded last night. But the way he touched her felt so inappropriate. She couldn't answer and Jenna waved it off calling it her imagination. She asked if they could bring a priest and perform exorcism in the house. Jenna wasn't convinced by her story and so declined. 

Her day passed with her remained in her bed, playing with Angela who refused to leave her side all through the day. Gary also came to see her. The awkwardness between them was as plain as a day. He sank into the chair placed next to her bed. Angela, oblivious to the tension in the room, continued to play with her dolls. A couple moments later, he finally opened his mouth to speak. After a little bit of hesitation, the duo finally moved past the awkwardness and started chatting like always. None of them touched upon the kiss subject. 

All in all, her day was spent in her bed.     

Her insides filled with trepidation when the dawn arrived. She didn't want the devil to visit her again. He had also said he wouldn't eat her yet. Clearly, he is planning on eating her someday. What if someday turned out to be tonight, the thought made her ill at ease. No matter, how much she loved God, she wasn't prepared to meet him just yet.

Ara asked Jenna to sleep with her for tonight. Jenna agreed but not before giving her a long lecture on "Ghosts don't exist." Ara might have accepted her point of view if the incident of the last night wouldn't have transpired. She silently listened to her, convinced that the woman was ignorant of the world's mysterious nature.

Deep into the night, her eyes snapped open, sensing someone's stare on her. The familiar feeling of being watched engulfed her instantly. She stared straight into the wall as sweat beaded her temple. She had sensed his presence in the chair next to her bed but couldn't bring herself to look his way. Instead, she turned her head towards Jenna who was sleeping like a log, and tried to shake her awake.

The older woman first stirred, whined in her sleep, and rolled to the other side. Ara forced a ball of saliva down her parched throat. Too afraid to speak, she timidly attempted at waking Jenna again. The older woman remained asleep like dead meat. 

"You shouldn't disturb her, Sweetpea," her hand froze and her body shook with fear when she felt his lips touching the rim of her ear. 

"Close your eyes. You don't want to see the Devil, Babe," he whispered as if coaxing a child. Ara immediately squeezed her eyes shut, not liking the endear terms he was throwing so generously at her. His voice sounded vaguely familiar though. 

"Sweet Girl," he purred before pecking her cheekbone. Her body tensed in response. She fought hard to not shrink away from his touch. The heat of his lips traced a path down her jaw before trailing up towards her lips. Her already quivering heart started to race madly. She was having a premonition. 

"Wha..what are you doing?" she whimpered, balling her hands into a tight fist

"Helping you relax," he murmured seductively against her skin.                 

"I am relaxed," she all but pleaded in her weak voice, feeling tears prickling her eyes. 

"No, you are not." she felt his lips moving against the corner of her mouth.

What devil does this to a human?  

"Don't, please," she shook her head and outstretched her arm to shake Jenna awake but her hand couldn't reach her. 

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