Chapter 13 - Guiding Lights

Start from the beginning

Akainu grinned. "At least here he knows that he shouldn't exist with the cursed blood in him."

Ace growled at the marine, along with many others. One's bloodline doesn't give them a reason for not existing. That was messed up and wrong. Everyone should have the right to live... even the magma dude.

"I can't believe that Luffy felt that way." Muttered Nami as she looked at their cheerful and proud captain in pity. "I hope that he doesn't feel that way anymore."

Zoro had a grim expression. "We don't know, but we can make sure that he doesn't. After all, we owe of lives to him."

The strawhats smiled at the swordsman's statement and nodded. They wouldn't let their captain feel that way. They will be the ones to help him this time. They would be the ones to guide him. They would be the ones who would protect him.

Shanks, Whitebeard and Luffy's family smiled. 'He's got a nice crew.'

"Oi! Don't say that you idiot!" Yuko shouted as he walked up to the crying kid with his twin. "You were the one who saved the world from Kai."

"Who?" Luffy asked, which made the whole village and the audience face palm.

"Luffy, he was the demon guy you fought." Yuki explained calmly. "The one who is doing this to you."

Luffy nodded. "That demon guy."

"Yes, the demon guy." Sighed Rune. "That's Kai, Luffy. You should really try and get the names right. You should also try and remember those names."

"I'm sorry elder." Luffy apologized while sniffing.

"Anyway," Clare said, "Luffy, kept on fighting and living. I'm sure that you will have many adventures and nakama. Be free Luffy. Fight Kai, I mean the demon guy and make sure that he is never in control."

Luffy nodded and the dark aura around him disappeared, which made others smile. Yuki, Yuko, and Clare gave him a hug and got back up and walked away. They were fading away, but they seemed to be happy. He didn't want them to go, but he wanted them to be happy, so he left them.

They all looked at the child and said on last thing. "Luffy, keep fighting so you can protect those close to you. Be free and never let the demon guy take control."

The villagers disappeared and his family and Rune were still there. Rune softly smiled. "Luffy, I've heard that my sister-in-law has died, but I think Garp has looked after my nephew. I think he will curse his existence like you have just did. Once you find him, please do help him."

Ace's eyes widened and Luffy answered, "Of course elder. It's the least I can do."

Rune disappeared, leaving the family of four by themselves. Yuki spoke. "Luffy we all love you, so you must stay alive and kept our will. It will strengthen the will of D. and remember Luffy, you must never tell anyone about this village. It will only cause trouble for you."

"Luffy, after all of this, your abilities may be sealed, as your purpose the gods have given you had been fulfilled." Yuko stated. "If they're unlocked again, then you must not use it. Promise, Luffy?"

"Promise." Luffy cheered with the smile returning on his face.

Yuko grinned. "Good. You better not break it. That also includes not telling anyone about this and us."

Clare smiled softly along with Luffy's brothers. "We have to go Luffy."


"No buts." Clare declared. "Luffy, I'm sure that you have a great future, so live it. Don't let us pull you down. Just remember what we told you, ok?"

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