Chapter Three

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He dreamt that he was swinging. Up and down, up and down, the wind flying through his hair.

"I bet I can go higher than you!" a voice called to him. He turned his head to look at her, Teresa.

"You're on!" He called back to her, pumping his legs to go even higher than his friend.

He had never felt so free.

"One, two" she started to count.

A smile crept up on his face. Their favourite game.

"Three!" he called with her as they both jumped off of their swings, landing on the ground.

"Teresa?" he turned to where she landed, scared to find her not there.

"Thomas!" his name came like a jolt of electricity. "Thomas, help me!"

He raced after the voice, calling to her as he went.

"I'm coming!" he screamed, tripping over his own feet, stumbling to the ground.

As he went to pull himself up, his hand touched something wet. He pulled it to his face, blood.

Horrified, he looked up. His heart sank in his chest.

She was laying on the ground in front of him, her head dripping with blood. Her eyes were barely open.

He was petrified. She was dying. His best friend.

He couldn't save her.

"Thomas" she whispered. He was crying now. "Thomas, wake up!"

He awoke with a jolt, gasping for air as he sat up in his bed.

Standing over top of him, his hand on Thomas' arm, was Minho.

"Wicked dream you were having there shank!" his friend said to him, "But its time to get up. We have an emergency."

Thomas stared up at him, disbelief in his eyes. What had happened now?

"It's Sonya" Minho spoke, "she remembered."

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