Chapter Eight

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A few days pass and it's time for them to go back to school. This time, they're actually early for school, so they just chill in the car until it's time to go into school.

"Ugh, do we actually have to wait?" Adam says, being inpatient. "Relax, we have, like, ten more minutes" Lucas says, on his phone.

*Adam thoughts*
What if I make out with him? That'll probably waste some time and I can be satisfied win win

Adam smirks and looks at Lucas. He sees that Lucas is looking at his phone. He snatches Lucas's phone and waves it up.

Lucas says "Dude, what the fuck. Give me my phone!". Adam says, "Get it then" smirking. Lucas leans over to get his phone and he puts his hand on Adam's thigh for balance and puts his knee on the middle thing.

*I don't know what it's called lmao*

He doesn't notice how close he is because of how focused he is on getting his phone. Adam smirks and says "Hi".

Lucas turns his head a little bit and realizes how close he is and his heart starts beating fast. Adam kisses him and Lucas gets surprised.

Adam puts Lucas's phone down and grabs his leg and slides it on top of him. Now, Lucas is sitting on his lap.

Lucas gets shocked and says "What are you doing? People are gonna see!", putting his hands on Adams' shoulders, trying to get off Adam's lap.

Adam keeps pulling him down with his hands on Lucas's waist. "The windows are tinted. Nobody can see" Adam says, with a smirk.

Lucas then calms down. "Well, I still need to get off because we have, like, five minutes now" Lucas says, trying to lift himself up. Adam pulls him back down and says "I want a kiss though".

"No-" Lucas says after getting interrupted by Adam kissing him. "Wait-" Lucas says, in between the kiss. Adam stops and says "What? We're good".

He gets his phone and says "See? Look, it's 7:57. We have three more minutes". Lucas looks at the phone and looks back at Adam and nods his head yes hesitantly.

"See? Look, I'll even put an alarm at eight" Adam says, putting the alarm. He puts his phone down and starts making out with Lucas. Adam starts sucking on Lucas's tongue and Lucas gets butterflies.

Adam then goes down to kissing Lucas's neck. "Wait, don't mark me" Lucas moans out. Adam smiles and gives Lucas a hickey on his collar bone.

He then lifts up Lucas's sweater with his shirt and starts sucking on his nipples. Lucas slides his hand in Adam's hair and starts shaking and then the alarm goes off.

Adam smirks and puts Lucas's sweater and shirt down and grabs his phone and kisses Lucas one more time. He looks down and sees that Lucas is hard and chuckles.

Lucas gets embarrassed and lifts himself off of Adam and sits back in the passenger's seat.

*Adams thoughts*
Those were the best longest three minutes in my life

Lucas gets mad and says "What am I supposed to do with this?!" pointing at his hard penis. "I don't know," Adam says, smiling, opening the car.

They both get out of the car and Lucas takes his sweater off and puts it around his waist. He turns it around so that the long side is facing front.

They both start walking into the school and people are staring at Lucas because of how weirdly he has his sweater on.

Adam smirks and Lucas's face turns red. He goes behind Adam and puts his head down. Lucas whispers "I hate you so much for this".

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