XIII. Empty Threats

Start from the beginning

"Guys!" Akari regained their attention. "Don't forget what we're here for!" She turned to Feitan. "Feitan, Illumi's right. We need to know who's side you're on because we might have to fight, and we want you on our side. Besides, think about your relationship with Mika. Was she good to you?"

"Don't talk about Mika like that!" Feitan snapped. "She's my sister, after all."

"And my mother. So what? She walked out on my dad years ago. I'd say he died from a broken heart."

Feitan shook his head. "Sorry to break it to you, kid, but Mika killed Cliff."

"She what?!" Tears poured down Akari's face. "Wouldn't that make your decision easier, knowing my mother would kill without cause?"

"She had her reason, though I'm not sure it was a good one. I can't judge as I have killed mercilessly on many occasions." Feitan closed his eyes.

"Feitan, I beg you! Please, side with me!" Akari leapt out of her chair and kneeled before her uncle. She looked into his eyes, noting the hesitation in them. "Please, Feitan, I'll leave you alone after all of this is resolved." This part of her plea was barely above a whisper. She held her breath as she waited for his response.

"What do I get out of siding with you two?" he asked.

"An alive niece that you went to lengths abnormal for you to warn her," Illumi reasoned. He set his elbow on the table and leaned his head into his hand.

Feitan rolled his eyes. "How does her life benefit me?"

Akari, stunned, stood up on her feet. "What do you mean? Why would you warn me at the grocery store if you didn't actually care?"

Feitan slid his eyes over to look at Akari. "Well, I didn't think it was fair for Mika to come after you for the reason she did. Why kill an innocent relative? Beyond that, I have no reason."

Akari didn't know what to say. She was out of reasons. She looked to Illumi to see if he could come up with another reason.

Noting this, Feitan chimed in again. "Don't look to Illumi for help. You should've known by now that we all operate in our best interests. His goal here is to complete his mission, not to save you."

The harsh statement was a slap in the face. Akari silently nodded. She shrugged and said, "Well then, I'm out of reasons. I failed."

This clearly angered Feitan. "Moron! You really gave up that fast? Why did I warn your ass then?"

Akari gasped. Moron? "Well, I don't know, Feitan. Why did you?" She furrowed her brow.

Her uncle glared at her before turning to speak to Illumi again. "You teamed up with this 'Hunter', and she failed. I thought Hunters were tougher than that."

Illumi nodded. "Ah, well they usually are. I guess we have an exception before us." He looked at Akari. "We have all the information we need. Give us a reason we shouldn't kill you right now."

Akari couldn't believe how quickly they turned on her! "What?! You literally asked for my help! And you..." She looked to Feitan. "...didn't want Mika to kill me! Why would you get rid of me? Were your reasons not enough?"

"No. Your behavior could be a big problem in the near future. We can't have flaky people on this mission," Illumi stated sharply.

"Poor excuse of a Hunter is all I see. I wonder how Cliff would feel about his failure of a Kurta daughter," Feitan added.

That was enough to ignite a fire inside of Akari. At the very least, she could fight to protect her unique heritage. "Idiots! Try killing me if you can! Don't forget you both barely know me and my abilities!"

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