Chapter 18

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The next afternoon, I woke up to find me alone on the bed, I quickly checked my phone to find it was minutes past 4pm, I quickly sat up and one thing was telling me he has left already without telling me, tears were about to pool up in my eyes when I noticed a plate with a huge slice of cheese cake with a note and a rose flower on it,

I picked up the note and it read

'you looked tired and cute, I didn't want to wake you up, so I quietly left, have some cheese cake and think of me, good and naughty thoughts, and don't forget to pray for me'. Your husband Mahmood'

I smile at the note and sucked on my lower lips, the previous day's event begun to play on my mind and I quickly palmed my face embarrassed at myself, and like he said, I ate my cheese cake thinking of him,

I found myself taking my phone wherever I went in the house, I was waiting for his call, everything was happening so fast with me, even Mama Hajna kept teasing me on why I was absent minded every now and then, and she asked why I kept on blushing when she was making use of the kitchen island,

At a point she had to push me out of the kitchen when she found me by the running tap and I was zoned out, staring into space.

While alone I found myself trailing my fingers on my lips, fore head, neck, colar bone, my arm e.t.c,  I was just to mesmerized by the events.

The following day, I was already getting restless because he hasn't call, but I had to remind myself a flight from Nigeria to the USA was a long one, and in the afternoon I almost leaped with joy when I saw a number calling me, I just knew he was the one and I sighed when I heard his silk voice say "hey Mama"
"hey" I said with a pout
"let me guess, you just pouted" he said and I quirked my eyebrows saying
"and you are frowning" he added and chuckled out loud,
"grumpy" I whinned
"brown lips" he imitiated me,
"fine, I just landed and about to go into the meeting, how are you", I sighed again
"you left" I murmured
"am sorry Mama, I will make it up to you when I get back, owkey"  and I nodded as I whispered "ok"
"good, so do you miss me" he asked, I bit my lips and nodded "Mama , I cant see you" he whinned
" a bit" I lied
"mama, that's not fair and here I was missing you a lot" he said stressing the a lot "maybe I should fly straight to Oman" he said and I could imagine him pout,

"grumpy no, don't go, I miss you too" I added "a lot" I whispered the last word,
I heard him laugh and sighed "now that's music to my ears, owkey, I will go for the meeting now, did you pray for me"
"I did"
"I know you will, brown lips, I will call you later, bye take care"
"bye take care too", with that we ended the call.


On hanging up the call, I turned around to enter the meeting room when I saw Jamal mouth agape watching me,
"what" I asked with a frown, I knew he had listen to everything
"it's a new day" he said
"oh shut up" I said and meant to walk pass him
"I am proud of you" he said and patted him, I huffed in fake annoyance and walked away from him.

All through the meeting, my mind kept drifting away to the thoughts of brown lips, I just cant wait to fly back home to see her,
"you love her" Jamal asked on our drive back to the hotel after the meeting,
I ignored him but knowing Jamal, he wont let me breath, so I looked up from phone to see his eyes on me,
"I don't know, I just don't wanna loose her" I replied him,
"we are getting there" he said with a nod
"and I miss her" I added the last part softly,
"I can see that" he said and showed me a plain paper with a perfect drawing of a brown lips, and at the bottom ,

it was signed BROWN LIPS in cursive, I narrowed my eyes in anger at him, I was wondering where the paper went to after my meeting, I found myself drawing and shading it with a light brown pencil color during the meeting and now he has it,

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