The New Generation

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After the fight with Ronghua, Caimecus had returned to his den in the Hidden Ocean's depths where he could rest. He arrived back, moving through the warp, and staggered over to the bedding chamber. He was met by an encore of chirps and light growls, however, Caimecus physically couldn't tend to his offspring right now. Those stab wounds went pretty deep, and not to mention the intense burns he received too. Right now, the great gator needed rest.

His children ran out of their den, lead by Porosylus and followed by her siblings; Ravant, Chronostasis, Ghavalis, Carvocaius, and Vicguary. Being the largest, Poro was easily the more dominant out of the six and knew how to keep order between the group. She barked at her father and cocked her head; clearly she was confused as to why he was injured. He simply responded with a soft growl and lay his head on the ground, closing his eye. He wasn't dead, however Caimecus was certainly injured.

Upon realising that their father wouldn't be able to help them for at least a few months, the siblings decided on a plan; they would go out in the open for the first time. Poro made the decision, and since she was the leader, the rest agreed. Luckily for the gator-gang, the Hidden Ocean had been cleared of threats by their father, however Ronghua was still in the vicinity. They then realised that they could use the system of underwater tunnels that went around the Hollow Earth in order to find a sustainable radiation source. From there they could grow much larger than they currently were. So that was the plan; move into an area fueled by immense amounts of nuclear power and then live life in the Hollow Earth. That was how it was meant to play out, at least, however the moment they set foot outside, things went horribly downhill..

As the siblings moved through the gravitational warp, they were immediately caught by the current. Due to their small size (at least compared to their environment) they could easily be manipulated by the force of the waves and thrown about. Poro, Ravant, Ghavalis, Vic, Chrono and Carvo were separated within a few moments; sent off to wherever the current took them.

Luckily for the group, none of them were killed in this encounter. They were all extremely lucky and managed to end up in safe areas where not too many dangerous creatures lurked. Poro and Ghavalis were deposited together in a large cavern with radiation pits everywhere; perfect. However, the rest were not that fortunate. Ravant, Vic and Chrono were sent to separate swamplike environments full of small plate-toothed fish. They were easy to hunt, but that wouldn't sustain them for much longer as they grew. Carvo, however, was sent back to the den, where he would wait for his father to awaken from his slumber...

This was the beginning of the new world, the Holo-Titan era. With new superspecies being discovered every week, the Titans were slowly reclaiming the planet.. And now a new threat emerged once more; Gojira

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