Mexico: The First Fight

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Isla De Mara. The island filled with terror after Rodan's aerial assault back in 2019 was now reserved for Monarch operatives and residents only; with 'pop-up' homes scattered across the remains of the town for locals to live in as settlements were rebuilt. However, devastating things were on their way..

People were progressing on gathering rubble from cathedrals and loading them into trucks when suddenly a loud roar could be heard from the distance. Practically everybody stopped what they were doing and looked up. It was a Titan.

The beast, codenamed Yudon, stomped towards the island in the shallower waters. He bore a striking resemblance to Godzilla, the current Alpha, with several rows of maple leaf shaped dorsal plates running down his back and a reptilian build. Yudon flared his nostrils as he made his way towards the island, his long tail trailing behind. His spines flickered like a light turning on and off, sparks emitting from them. It seemed that this Titan possessed a breath attack and was not refraining from using it.

He growled again, moving closer and closer with every stride. Turrets placed around the island's edges begun to shoot missiles at Yudon, blowing up on contact however proving null effect. Then they tried another option; playing recorded sounds of Godzilla in order to get Yudon away  And then, out of nowhere, the Titan stopped in his tracks. But.. It didn't seem that this was because of Monarch's efforts. No.. It was clear Yudon sensed another creature in the area. 

Beneath the waves lurked a danger that this Yudon character had never dealt with: Caimecus. The crocodile of aboriginal legend had been attracted to the ripples the Gojira had made in the water, and had made a beeline towards his location. And although the two were apex' of their environment, Caimecus being a crocodile was clearly the top predator. He patrolled the seas and had clearly noticed that Yudon was in his territory.. So a fight was sure to go down.

Caimecus waited, slightly buried under the sand, and waited for Yudon to move just a little closer. The Titan narrowed his eyes and looked around, scanning the surface like a hawk. He knew something else was here, but couldn't pinpoint exactly where they were. Annoyed, Yudon growled and took a step back, but that was exactly where the croc wanted him. Caimecus launched from beneath the seabed, sending sand and gravel everywhere as he latched onto Yudon's leg. Yudon bellowed and stomped down, unsure of where his opponent was, and flailed his tail around in hopes of smacking Caimecus. The croc twisted violently and let go, as that was just meant to weaken his opponent before thrusting out of the water. He grabbed ahold of the Gojira's neck with his jaws, clamping on whilst letting his body dangle down. Yudon snorted and grabbed the croc's tail in his hands, swinging him around in order to make Caimecus let go, however this did nothing, and only made him bite down harder. He roared in pain as his opponent crunched his neck, breaking multiple vertebrae. If Yudon was to come out alive he would be left paralyzed, which was obviously not good. 

Caimecus, now using the weakened Yudon to his advantage, swam up to the surface and dragged them along with him, breaching out of the water and slapping the Gojira into the water like a chew toy and all while worsening injuries sustained to his neck. It seemed that, although the fight had only just started, Caimecus was winning against a Titan labeled by Monarch as a 'Continent-Destroyer'...

Yudon let out a weak roar of pain as he was thrown and tossed around like nothing before Caimecus came ashore, slamming his opponent into the ground. He pinned the reptile down with a foot, the already injured Titan not able to do anything. Caimecus glared at his opponent right before violently twisting his head, snapping Yudon's neck, killing him instantly. He strained for a second and ripped off their neck, blood dripping onto the beach before swallowing it whole. He let out a victorious bellow of triumph and grabbed the decapitated corpse of his opponent before casually striding back into the water and disappeared like it was nothing.

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