The Aftermath

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People on the island couldn't believe what they had just seen. A Titan battle this close.. It was terrifying. However, Monarch operatives were stunned.. But in a different way.

Immediately after the fight, subs were sent out into the surrounding ocean to pick up chunks of flesh and other organic material from the Titans, gathering and sending the samples back to Castle Bravo. Meanwhile on the surface citizens of Isla De Mara were calmed, and news of the incident broke out. The government was notified and the island was put under 'new security measures' as Monarch called it.

Meanwhile, Caimecus was being tracked through the sea as he left the Gulf. He still had the corpse of Yudon with him, dragging it through the water in his jaws, staining a trail of water behind himself scarlet. The croc seemed to have not sustained any injuries during his fight with the Gojira, apart from a few tiny scrapes along his sides. Meanwhile he had effortlessly and brutally taken Yudon out. This was the first time Monarch had witnessed Caimecus fight, however they were already worried. What if he decided to attack a city? What if he chose to go after Godzilla? Then again, the King had a way of protecting himself.. Being the Alpha Titan he had every other beast on his side. However, if Caimecus could efficiently slaughter Yudon, a monster similar in power to Godzilla, how would the fight go down?

Back at Castle Bravo, director Mark Russell sat in his office-room, surrounded by 4k screens replaying footage of the fight, and kept rewinding and rewinding to the point where Caimecus attacked Yudon. He and the rest of Monarch were still figuring out how he managed to take down his opponent so quickly. This Titan was more powerful than anything they had found before. Even Ghidorah wasn't this quick to weaken Godzilla. However, Monarch didn't want to kill Caimecus, in fact the complete opposite. They wanted to protect him as if he decided to fight for good, the world would have a valuable ally on their side. As well as this, they had already discovered his hide to be extraordinarily tough, and also a rough estimate on his bite-force.

Mark stood up after the seventh rewatch of the video and paced out of his room and over to the control room. "Do we have a reading on the crocodile?" He asked, and was responded with nods across the room. "We do, and in fact we're speculating that this Titan may be an ancestor to Godzilla. Well, at least distantly related. Like the Foetodon in the Hollow Earth, Caimecus could have some sort of attachment to the current Alpha. He's like a living fossil of sorts." Rick Stanton, another agent of Monarch, spoke up. "By the way, he's currently headed west to Hawaii. We're expecting him to make landfall in two days, that is if he keeps this direction." He said. "I'd say we should begin evacuating the state. Get as many people as possible out."

Mark nodded again, and took a few steps towards a computer screen that showed live footage of the crocodilian Titan swimming through the ocean, lashing his tail in order to propel him forwards. "Damn.. That thing's huge. Have we got any size estimates? How long or tall is he?" Mark noted, watching the video intently. "We believe Caimecus is over 200 metres long, some people think 225-230. We don't know his height either, but roughly over 50 metres. He's more than capable of bringing down anything that gets in his way." Sam Coleman, another Monarch operative responded. Mark furrowed his brow and then walked back over to his office. "Well, we better keep a close eye on him then." He said on the way before walking in and closing the door.

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