The Disturbance

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Meanwhile, back in the Hollow Earth, Caimecus and his children had finished eating their meal; now it was only a pile of skin and bone laying on the floor. The younglings let out a series of chirps at their father, one (called Porosylus) rearing up on her hind legs for a moment before landing with a thud. He cocked his head to the side with a low, but friendly growl. He was about to curl up to sleep when suddenly his snout started tingling. Looking up, Caimecus narrowed his eyes; there was another Titan in the vicinity, and a large one at that.

Caimecus turned around and began to stride toward the gravitational field. He let out a quiet grumble as he passed through, immediately feeling the frigid water rush over him. This was his territory, and he wasn't going to let anyone take it from him.

It didn't take long for the crocodilian to reach the surface, only around three minutes or so. He filled up his lungs with air and peeked out from the waterline. The radiation levels up here were much more intense; he could definitely feel that this mystery Titan was close. Caimecus narrowed his brows and with a quick burst of speed, splashed onto land, where he began to cautiously pace through the beach. These signals were much stronger than the regular Warbat or Skullcrawler.. So what exactly was it? 

And that was when he spotted him. Not too far away was the lava golem, Ronghua. The Being of Fire. And, of course, Caimecus' sworn enemy..

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