Immortals Book 4 Second Half

Start from the beginning

ST: welcome ma'am

MMN: oh please don't address me by ma'am. Call me MN or MMN. Call me what you like

ET: thank you ma'am, oh I mean MN.

MMN: I hear you guys came all the way from California. You were in the WMP center

GT: uhm, woman! It's now known as the immortals building. We are the immortals. We stopped N and his bastard son, M. They call themselves deadly warriors.

ST: GT! Shut up you're giving a lot of information to her

MMN: oh please relax. I'm aware of everything that goes on.

GT: Really now! I think you and I will be best friends. Please amuse me.

MMN: Alright. Would you like to become a deadly warrior!? Well I can make you one without you having to take any pills!

GT, ST and ET all looked at each other and burst out laughing but MMN gave a serious look and she was not joking about what she said. When ST saw the look on MMN's face he saw that she was being serious

ST: uhm, I don't think she's joking

GT: wait, are you being serious

MMM: yes I am. Your cousin brought you and your sister here because you both want to finish your studies right?

GT: that's correct

MMN: so I can train you to fight as deadly warriors while doing your schooling. I can teach you your school lessons but at the same time I can also reach you how to fight like a deadly warrior and you can still finish your studies.

ET: that's cool but as for me, I already applied at a different school so count me out in your lessons.

GT: well then, count me in. I'll do it as long as I finish my studies.

GT started training as a deadly warrior while he was doing his studies. ET did her studies and was doing well right when she started. GT didn't know what he was getting himself into. ST didn't like where this was going

MMN trained GT every hour of the day for 30 minutes every day. ST didn't like what was becoming of GT. The trainings begun to change GT and he learnt how to fight like a deadly warrior and he had the strength of one. He even became more powerful than EK who took the pill. To test GT, MMN would send GT on missions to get rid of certain people who MMN used to be in cahoots with. She'd send GT to kill them because her partnership with them never worked out well. GT was a fast learner and learnt all the things he needed to know in one week. In that one week GT had already murdered 465 people. GT really changed in a negative way bit he gained power in a positive way and he didn't need to take any deadly warrior pill. ST did some digging in on MMN and he found out something that was down right chilling, it was truly bizarre. ST went to see MMN.

ST: I know what you have been planning MN. I know who you really are

MMN: I do not know what you are talking about

ST: you're the mother of M and DN the second.

MMN: I am?

ST: Don't act all dumb. You know what, it all connects now, I mean even your last name, but you just gave KM and M your last name! Does KM even know about this? I'll have to tell GT and ET

MMN: Shut the hell up. Don't involve KM in this, he's innocent and trust me if you tell anyone about me, I'll make sure your family will end up dead.

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