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Ich fange momentan an englische Bücher zu schreiben, da ich besser Englisch als Deutsch kann, weiss nicht wieso. Aisserdem finde ich die englische Sprache so viel schöner deshalb..ya


The Angel in Black
Raven Miles. A girl with a bad past and no friends. A typical nobody. She wouldn't care, if she would die the next day.

Nathan King. A typical Badboy: Cold hearted, a bloodass killer and feared by everyone. He never loved anyone and didn't care if he would die on the next day.

What if the two worlds crash into each other and everything in twir life changes. What if, one day, they care that they are still alive on the next day.

 What if, one day, they care that they are still alive on the next day

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Valery's life changes completly after she meets Finn over her ex-Bestfriend.

She falls in love for the first time of her life but its more complicated, than in all the books she read.

She falls in love for the first time of her life but its more complicated, than in all the books she read

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My new brother the Mafia Boss
I take a step towards him to touch his cheek, but he flinches away as if I am fire which made my heart break even a little more.

"So your really a destroyer, just like your name is saying know, I'm not afraid that I'm getting destroyed", I whisper meeting his eyes.
"I'm afraid, that you'll destroy yourself"

Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr vorbeischaut wenn ich es veröffentliche! Es wird jedoch noch einige Monate dauern, da ich erst bei BoyFriend fertig werden will! Aber ich werde bei beiden Büchern den Prolog posten

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Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr vorbeischaut wenn ich es veröffentliche! Es wird jedoch noch einige Monate dauern, da ich erst bei BoyFriend fertig werden will! Aber ich werde bei beiden Büchern den Prolog posten.

Lg and xoxo

Bad Boys love Bad GirlsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora