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It's been a while since you've been dating each other. You never intended to hide your relationship, so obviously the whole college knew it. Even if he was cold to others he was a total softie for you but it didn't matter to you if he was cold or soft because he always made you feel special. Besides you fell in love with cold jungkook itself. You usually meet him in his class during break as he will be busy completing his projects.
Currently you entered his classroom, you looked around for him. You saw a girl playing with his hair and he was happily giggling and chatting with his friends and letting her do whatever she wants. As far as you knew he wouldn't let anyone touch his hair unless they're very close to him and you were hurt. You didn't what was wrong with you, maybe because you didn't know who she was, was it jealousy? You didn't know. All you knew was you were hurt, hurt by him. You didn't feel like staying there anymore. You went back to your classroom.
The whole time he didn't notice that you hadn't come. The bell rang that's when he realized that you didn't show up, he felt weird because you never missed a chance to visit him. He shrugged it off thinking you were busy. Classes continued, breaks came but you never visited him and he got worried. He thought to meet you during lunch hour. He entered the cafeteria and you immediately noticed him. He smiled at you but you quickly looked down, tears welling up. You knew it was a silly thing but you just couldn't help but feel insecure. He knew something was off. He rushed to you and sat beside you but as soon as he came you left there not even bothering to clean your table. He was hurt seeing you avoid him. He didn't know what was wrong.

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