i n t r o d u c t i o n

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the corsage
of the dead

do not forget to exorcise
your mind yourself,
as you do with your house.
you never know
where the ghost lurks by... ”


• synopsis •

"and that my love,
is just your mere foolishness
that you fail to recognize
the epicness of this union of ours.
i don't blame you
for this sinister veil
over your eyes,
as one day you will see
how your soul is all mine..."


on the chilly night of christmas eve, the fateful telegram reaches the D'mellos from horsley hills, demanding the presence of the brothers in their ancestral home as soon as possible, where everything was moving to an edge.

following the arrival of which, the brothers set forth on a journey to their native manor which welcomes them with its sinisterly icy arms.
the manor however seemed to be playing a lethal game with all their inner demons where the only way out was death.


disclaimer •

the story deals with mature themes like death, suicide, mental illness, ghostly depiction, etc. please read if you are comfortable with these topics.

› there will be lgbtq scenes in this story.

› no hate or homophobic comments will be allowed. I will delete those comments as soon as I see them. However, constructive criticism is more than welcome.

› english is neither my first nor my second language. There will be many grammatical errors which i will edit later on.

› this story is a work of fiction. any similarity with the real life is a case of coincidence.

› the story is set up in the pre-independence era so there will be some political mentions here and there. the thoughts of characters have nothing to do with the thoughts of the author.


inspired from •

the haunting of hill house
the haunting of bly manor


even though the story is inspired by the haunting series by Mike Flanagan, the whole plot of this story is my own creation.

i have been planning this kinda story since 2019 but every time the plot came off as too childish or too predictable. but finally, i am publishing this book with the hope that this time the story will come out fine.

i know this will be nowhere near the haunting series but i will keep rewriting this until something good comes out of it.


copyright •

plagiarism is a crime. getting inspired by something is a different thing and copying the whole plot is another. please do not steal the general plot of this story as i won't shy away from reporting your book.

All rights are reserved.

© -lostillusion 2021


started from: 10.09.2021
ended on: __.__.20__


*lower case intended

hello guys!

so here am i with the very special story of mine. i hope you liked the introduction.

please do leave your feedback behind on the comment section and don't forget to vote on the story.

the cast and characters will be out soon.

till then,
much love,

The Corsage Of The DeadWhere stories live. Discover now