Chapter 9

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Yoongi's POV:

It's been 3 weeks since Jin has been with me and Hobi ,
and this boy is just soo cute ,
we talked when he was not in little space and we immediately clicked something not possible for me easily ,
he and I talked for hours without any problem and in little space he calls me ,

"Yoonie Hyungie~~",

isn't this kid soo cute Hobi too finds him , a lot cute and adorable.

Right now both me and Hobi is sitting in our living room watching movie with Jinnie on my lap ,
having a sippy in his hand and drinking his milk,while cutely looking at the TV .

"He's so cute right !!'',

said Hobi causing me to lean my head on his shoulders as we both look at Jin rather than the TV,

" I see that you're soft when it comes to Jin!!",

he said causing me to nod ,

"yes he is really cute but he has a great personality as well,
you know when I talked to him about them being his mates and to give them a chance at first he said no but slowly he opened up about how he feels ,
and I also realised how much those humans in the Human world has fucked up the kids mind !!
He is such a nice person yet look at him and how he's been treated it just breaks my heart!!",

I said as Hobi side hugged me being careful of Jin who's now fallen asleep on my lap,

"Babe don't worry ,
Jin will be fine and will start seeing that he too is worthy of being loved , when he will receive the love and support from his mates and also everyone of us ,
Just like how you did ,
you too were in depression thought low of yourself,
but now look at you ,
you're no longer the same you're soo powerful!!",

he said and gave me a kiss on my lips causing me to blush,

"Yaah !!
There's a kid with us!!",

I said to which he chuckled and moved towards my ears ,

"So how about we place Jinnie in his crib as he's now asleep and then , you know!!",

. he said teasingly,

" Know what !!",

"Make Love!!",

he said causing me to blush but still nod , I looked down at Jinnie and brushed his hair with my Hand ,
I hope Kook and Tae will accept him as their mate and give him all the happiness!!!


Jungkook's POV:

It's been 3 weeks since Jin has gone and to be truthful they were hell, we both have been confused and on top of that my Father is teaming up with the officials to have Jin Killed or in his Words ,

Give Jin as a Sacrifice To Moon Goddess,

cause Jin's a human ,

and no way in hell we'll accept that ,

me and Tae had discussed and about 1 week after Jin was taken we came up with the decision that yes we want him to be our mate ,
to be our part ,
it's been only few days he came in our life but he has now became someone we just can't live without it feels like a huge part of us is missing ,
i'm not sure about Love but I do like Jin a lot and Tae too, but Love is a huge word and it might take time to happen.

I looked at Tae who was right now sitting on the couch while still thinking deeply, in the whole process Tae's Insecurities have triggered once again, my dad has made him to suffer a lot as well ges faced a lot ,
being a Vampire King as well as the Pack's Luna is not easy at all and then on top of that being a Werewolf's mate makes it a lot difficult all of these responsibilities has made him , Us suffer the most.

I went towards him and took a seat beside him ,
pulling him to my lap as he gasped out loudly in shock ,


he said as I gave him a peck on his lips and made him rest his head on my chest and hugged his body , bringing it closer to me,

"Love don't overthink at all ,
We will make sure Jin don't go through the same thing you have to face we'll protect our mate,
our Jinnie make him feel loved and wanted ,
so don't overthink!!,

I said as he sniffles and looked up at me with his eyes filled with Tears,

"I'm scared Kook,
Your Appa ,
I'm scared he will..",

I didn't let him finish as I smashed my lips with his and then kissed him as roughly as I can as Tears flowed from his now closed eyes ,
when I felt that we both were out of breath I separated our kiss and grabbed His butt a bit roughly causing him to moan as I growled ,

"Don't you dare Say those Words love I won't let anything happen to the two of you as you two mean the world to me my mates !!!",

I said as he said yess and gave me a teary smile

"Yess Alpha!!",

he said as I smiled and then picked him up,


"Now you need to take care of the problem you started down there love !!",

to which he blushed and we went to our room.

I've decided now tomorrow me and Tae will both bring our Mate back to our House!!



Hey Loves Sorry for late Update I was actually doing an internship which is totally just taking advantage of students hardwork!!
Like they didn't teach us anything they just gave us task to do which were for their profit as with each task they want us to make revenue like from where do I make it now I don't even have any contacts but still, I did make a revenue of ₹3,750 in total sold 3 of their policies but then the very mentor of mine said lies about me and even tried to ruin my reputation and then gave me excuses .
They said you only need to give 3-4 hours a day which is certainly not the case !!
They literally ask you, call you again and again through the entire day!!

So finally i've quit the internship today , as i'm done with this kind of crap!!

Sorry if I bored you with my sad story , so yeah that's it .


Remember to Vote and Comment as it will make my already ruined mood !!

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