Chapter 8

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Yoongi's Pov:

I was out with my Holly along with Hobi both looking for the Taekook's Human Mate but while looking for the Human we ended up loosing Holly,
I was looking for him at one side as Hobi was looking at another,
I heard the sound of shouting and crying in an alley and so I went to the place from where the sound was coming and there I saw my Holly in blood , and two more people ,
in which a scum was forcing someone as the other was screaming fighting and crying seeing all this I couldn't control my anger,
and immediately threw that scum to the ground and started beating the shit out of him ,

"Yoon babe , omg Holly !!",

said Hope who have came to the alley and took Holly in his arms I threw the now dead scum on the ground and looked at the person on whom he had attacked, once I saw him my eyes widened in shock,
it's the human we all were looking for ,
his clothes were ripped, his apple cheeks red from slapping them, he was all drenched in the rain and unconscious at the moment, he looked so young I felt really bad for him,

"Hobi that's the Human!!",

I said at which he looked at the human only to gasp ,

"Well it is and is in a bad state as well and we need to get both him and Holly a treatment !!",

he said to which I nodded and took the Human in my arms as we made our way to the Taekook's house and called everyone to be there .

Taehyung's Pov:

We reached our house at the same time Yoongi Hyung's car too arrived , and then he and Hoseok Hyung came out ,
Hoseok Hyung had Holly injured in his Arms and Yoongi Hyung had ,
Our Jinnie , our mate , our Baby,

unconscious in his arms ,
and had a blanket wrapped around him,
we immediately made our ways towards them,

"Hyung Jinnie!!",

"Tae lets go inside first !!",

he said and we went inside and then into Jinnie room as Hyung placed Jinnie on the bed,
I looked at our mate and I my eyes got blurry with tears ,
his cheeks had slap marks,
his face had dry tears and his face looked so pale we was totally drenched in rain ,
I sat beside him and then placed my hand on his forehead only to retract it with a gasp ,

"Kook he's burning up!!",

I said .


After Jimin came with Namjoon Hyung ,
he immediately went in and checked on Jin,
and then after check up we got to know he has a fever because of being in the rain and we also got to know what that scum did to him causing both me and Kook to be so angry ,

''That bastard i'm happy that you killed him hyung and I truly wish to kill him again and again !!",

Said Jungkook who was in anger ,
I too was anger so I went to him and hugged him,

"Kook it's all our fault right we don't deserve to be his Mates we couldn't even take care of him!!",

I said as tears welled up in my eyes ,

"Tae it's not your or Kook's fault don't go on blaming each other,
at the moment the three of you need each other,
I know that you two are not sure about your relationship with Jin ,
and yes I know it's complicated and you know it as well that its even more difficult for Jin to understand this,
is new for that poor already broken kid and if you yourself are not sure about your relationship you can't accept the kid to be ok it's Difficult for Jin as well!!",

Jiminie said to which I nodded it's true we ourselves are not sure if we want Jin as our mates ,
we don't know about that then it's obvious for Jin to feel confused and scared ,
he's already been through a lot ,
he already has so much pain within himself already and now this mates thing is a whole new dimension of things that can easily scare even us who are so powerful and Jin is a Human ,
so fragile and small .

"Tae I think you both should have some time to understand your feeling whether you want Jin as your mate and i'm sure Jin too would need that !!",

Said Jiminie ,

" But Jim..",

"No buts Tae the three of you needs time so Jin will be there with Suga Hyung for the time being! ",

He said as Suga Hyung said,

" Wait why me!??",

"Because i'm busy with Hospital Work so I can't take care of Jin so you should do !",

causing Hyung to grumble in annoyance .

As both me and Kook stood still not know what to do or say !!

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