09.14.21 The Comfort Zone

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1. Space


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Gosh....it's almost been a year I've posted in here.  How's everyone?!

I haven't written in a while either. As most of you probably already know, I recently moved into a new home.  It's pretty funny actually.  We weren't planning on moving and then one day, we were suddenly looking at houses on lakes and went for it.  It was exciting until about the third house. Then it was a headache and I wanted to give up.  Eventually we found a nice house but something was off.  I agreed to put an offer in anyway but the inspection raised lots of crimson flags.  So we were out and I'm sooo happy we pulled away because I wouldn't have found this place.  I knew it was the one the moment it was listed.  Then I saw it and for the first time said "This is the one."  A feeling I thought I'd never feel because I'm so picky.  It was only on the market for less than 24 hours before we put the offer in. Now I'm ready to finally get married and have some babies lol I seriously can see my future here 😁

Another thing I can see so clearly is oncoming creative bursts.  So many comfort zones are here just waiting for me and my laptop.  For now, I've been busy making the house a home, for the first time ever.  Three apartments & three houses across three different states in the last eight years! Finally, I can settle down in peace until I'm ready to retire back in South Carolina 🥰

So my question to everyone is, do you have a favorite "comfort zone"? A spot to sit & read or sit & create? 

Also, wanna point out another funny little thing, the fact that I'm literally living out my fantasies lol I recently wrote a scene in SYBF where Aívy & P purchase a lake house.  I wasn't even considering it at the time but now I have a dock & lake in my backyard too💜 it's not Lake Minnetonka but it's beautiful.

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There's a bench at the end of the dock

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There's a bench at the end of the dock. I wonder if I can manage to write there sometimes. I say "wonder" because I'm not about the bug life hahaha

& then in a Beautiful Saga short, P & Kat we're in a hot tub & I had never been in one at the time I wrote the scene. But the new house has one! With pretty color changing lights 😍 Lol

I can't wait to find my favorite writing space here. 
I'll be back posting in October 😊

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