Chapter IX

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3rd Person P.O.V

After the date on Saturday Grace decided her and Vanessa needed some privacy that way they could talk without being interrupted. She got them a nice hotel room that they stayed in.

Anyway waking up Sunday morning V smelled some good ass food. She sat up to see Grace in the kitchen that was in the room.

"Morning." Grace said smiling towards her.

"Hey." V said shyly for some reason.

"Umm I got food."

"I see that." V said and laughed slightly she loved seeing Grace nervous it was a peak behind her confident figure.

"Well after you eat and your ready to go home I'll take you." Grace said sadly she figured that V would want to.

"When are you leaving?"

"I wasn't gonna leave till Monday."

"Then I don't need to go home till Monday."

Grace smiled and they spent the morning together. Unfortunately Vanessa did end of having to go home. Their was a meeting at the company and she was required to come.

Grace went to hang out wit Ryan while she was gone. She got through the meeting easily nothing important being spoken. V caught a ride with her parents home.

"So how are you and Grace? You didn't come home last night so I hope all went well." Her mother said from the passenger seat.

"It did." V said.

"That's good." Her father said smiling.

"I guess." V said she's been thinking about Grace leaving and what that meant since this morning.

"What's wrong?" Her mother asked worried.

"I just don't know if it's gonna last. I mean at the end of the day she still had to go back to Ohio."

"...why don't you go wit her?" Her father said after a beat of silence between everyone.

"I—" V started then stopped herself and actually thought about the possibility.

"That's a good idea. You should think about."

Vanessa stayed quiet the rest of the way back to their house thinking. Her dad made a valid point I mean it's not like Grace had roommates she had her own campus apartment.

Maybe it was a good idea to her but what would Grace think? She didn't want to come off as clingy. Grace had a life outside of her but she also said she wanted to work on their relationship and this would be a way to do it.

When she ended up meeting back up with Grace that night she decided not to mention it. She would enjoy the time that they had together and stress about the rest later.


Earlier when Grace had dropped Vanessa off at her company she went to go hang wit Ryan. They were in her living room talking about nothing in specific when the topic of Grace leaving got brought up.

"So what happens after you leave?"

"Whatchu mean?" Grace asked confused.

"I just mean like what happens to you and V relationship. Is there enough trust in between y'all were you can just leave again?"

"I don't know. I mean I have to go back to school I don't have a choice." Grace said frowning.

"Look I don't want to say this and you get offended but shit if I was V I don't know if I would be able to trust you going back to Ohio and being around what caused this shit in the first place." Ryan said hesitantly.

"I know. I don't know what to do though. Do you think I could transfer down here?" Grace said excitedly like it was the best idea ever and Ryan looked at her like she was stupid.

"To where?"

"I don't know. What's the nearest college? SC state? that's a hbcu that could be cool." Grace said shrugging.

"We not even near SC state stupid." Ryan said and rolled her eyes.

"Well I gotta do something Janaya." Grace said pulling out Ryan's middle name. She only did that when she was serious.

"Just talk to her. You can't transfer to South Carolina when I'm about to go back to Atlanta for college." Ryan said referring to their hometown.

Grace spent the rest of the time thinking about things. She couldn't actually transfer to any college down here in SC she was committed to being at OSU and she had good friends there she didn't want to just leave.

When she met back up with Vanessa that night at the hotel she thought about how she couldn't leave this girl again. She was definitely in love wit her and being without V physically hurt her.


With both girls being distracted about the whole leaving ordeal it caused them to be distant wit the other. They noticed and it led to the worst thoughts.

Grace thought that something happened while she was out and it led to Vanessa realizing that being wit her only led to trouble.

Vanessa thought that Grace realized that she couldn't be wit her. Realized how V wasn't enough for her.

"Are you ok?" Grace asked.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"I'm fine just thinking."


"Us. V you do know that I love you right?" Grace said coming up to her and grabbing her hands.

"Umm yea. I read what you said Grace." V said and avoided eye contact. She wanted to say it back but didn't know if she was ready yet. Grace didn't push for it though.

"Good good. I just want you to know that and that I'm not going no where. I told you yesterday that I wanted to be with you again and to earn your trust back. I meant that."

"I know you did." V said as she hugged Grace.

No words needed to be said as they held the embrace. Both decided to leave their thoughts in the back of their mind and just enjoy the moments that they had together.

When tomorrow came then they would deal wit reality. It would be hard but they would figure something out together.

I meant to update earlier but whatever

Enjoy. One more chapter left I could've ended in this one but I wanted it to have 10 chapters

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