Chapter VI

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3rd Person P.O.V

"One more day." Grace said to herself as she worked on a assignment for one of her classes.

It was Thursday and her plan would be coming to an end tomorrow. Hopefully it meant that she would get the girl of her dreams back but if it didn't well she didn't exactly know what she would do then.

She been trying the keep a positive outlook on the situation but she knows how insecure Vanessa is and she feels horrible knowing that she most likely made those insecurities rise.

She also came to the conclusion that she is most definitely in love wit Vanessa. She feels like she's breaking apart without her and damn she never experienced heartbreak like this especially over a girl. But she knows Vanessa isn't just some girl.


Vanessa was sitting in her room on her bed a thing she does a lot. She looks in the mirror across from her and tries to find things she likes about herself. She hears this is supposed to work a 'friend' of hers said 'all you have to do is look and be confident' like it was just that easy and simple.

Anyway lately she's been trying to do this more find things about herself that she likes. But when she looks in the mirror all she finds is a girl that got picked on for her tall height and color of her skin. The girl that got cheated on. That wasn't good enough for the girl she thought really liked her. A girl that was stupid enough to believe she could ever be liked.

Lucky she didn't have to dwell on that for to long since her phone rang. She looked at who was calling and smiled when she found out it was her mother.

"Hi momma." She said smiling at the phone. She was on FT.

"Hey V. How you doing?"

"I'm good. How's New York?"

"Busy as always finally got some down time tho."

"Where's dad?" She asked looking behind her mom.

"He went to go grab some food for us."

"Oh ight. When you guys coming back?"

"Friday night."


"But anyway that's not why I called. I called to check on you. You've been distant." Her mom said and V sighed.

"I'm fine. It's just stupid stuff."

"Is it Grace?" She looked away from the phone and mumbled.

"Umm maybe."

"What happened?"

"...we broke up." V hesitantly answered.

"Why? What happened?" Her mom said surprised.

"It's just...the distance." She lied because she didn't want to sympathy from her and didn't want Grace being hated.

"Aww. I'm sorry V I'm sure everything will work out. You guys seemed so good together."

"Maybe." She said and maybe in the back of her mind she had a lil hope that they could get back together.

Vanessa spent a good another hour on the phone wit her mother and eventually her father when he got back to their hotel. It was still relatively early and she really needed to get out of the house.

She went down the street to grab some food from this Indian place. She came back to the house and put on some new Netflix movie to occupy her mind.

Later in the day around 4 again Ryan showed up wit more things. She thanked her and thought about asking her to tell Grace something but put the thought out of her head.

She brung the things to her room because her brother was bound to walk in the front door at any moment and she didn't want to be questioned by him right now. She tossed the flowers before going upstairs tho.

It was 2 envelopes today. One seemed to be the letter and the other bigger. She opened the big one and looked at the contents inside. To say surprised would be an understatement. She had bought the hotel room and the spa tickets all of which could be used at anytime.

A note also came wit the gift she read it and willed her tears away.

I still want you to go even if it can't be with me—Grace

"This shit is not fair!" Vanessa screamed in the emptiness of her room.

She put the gift wit the rest of them and went to lay down. She let herself cry again even though she didn't want to. She eventually fell asleep.

Memory lane:

"Where was this at?" Vanessa said looking at a picture of Grace and Ryan and some of their other cousins in white robes.

"Uhh..Oh! That's last summer when me and my cousins went to Florida and we all went to this spa down there. It was awesome and so relaxing." She said looking at the photo.

"It's looks very expensive." V commented.

"It was but we had all been working summer jobs and school was starting back up in just a couple weeks so I decided we needed a break and thought Miami cause I knew this dude who worked there." Grace explained.

"That's nice. You all seem really close."

"Yea. But you know what I bet you would love it there."

"Really I've never been to one." V said and she watched Grace face light up.

"Oh I gotta take you. It'll be great and we can go when I'm done wit school. Lord knows I'll need it when I'm done wit all my tests." Grace said excitedly.

"I would be down to go wit you."

"I can't wait den. I'll plan everything so you don't have to do anything but go."

"Your so sweet." V said and kissed Grace on the cheek.

"I know right. I'm like super awesome."

"Ok don't get cocky." V said laughing.

"ight ight." Grace said smiling and relaxed back into bed.

End of Memory

My birthday tomorrow bitches‼️

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