Save Her Chapter 9

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Setting: still at the duck pond
3rd POV
One Katara cought her breath she stood up-with the help of Zuko of course.
"Gosh I almost had it" katara said
"Blood bending? That was amazing" Pakku said, shocked she was not proud of herself.
"That? That was a total failure! I had to catch my breath and sit down" Katara says
After stretching Katara asked-well more like ordered him "come on Zuko let's spar." She said "are you sure? I me-" he got cut of my katara saying "I'm sure, I need to define my skills." He shrugs "ok" they both get into stance and waiting for Pakku to give the start "ready, bow, aaaaaand......fight!" He says.

Zuko immediately shoots flames at her and she swiftly steams them with water while dodging more, doing flips in the air. Zukos still shooting fire balls when he flys up on the sky using fire rockets. He knows she's good, he won't hold back for a second of let his guard down in case she gets the upper hand.

With Katara, we'll she has a strategy. Using the four disciplines (earth, water, air, and fire stances) using an earth bending move to keep her stance when Zuko fires at her, she used an air bending move to keep her balance, and water to defend. Then she uses fire stances to attack head on with or without a plan.

she alternates between different bending styles while doing air bending flips in the air, stomping like and earth bender, hand to hand like a fire bender, and defense as a water bender.

Eventually Zuko knocked her down to rye point where she couldn't get up and she was clutching her stomach in a corner. Hakoda tried to stop it but Pakku held him back, intrigued were this fight will go. Zuko started rounding up lightning only to be stopped halfway by a powerful force, then it stopped a second later with a tired Katara at his feet with her hands in the air.

They both fall on their backs and fist bump each other catching their breath. Everyone came congratulating both of them but Pakku and iroh were nowhere to be seen


Do you know know what this means iroh" Pakku asked "yes" he sighed realeived" she is the next grand master. Using her element as a true grand master would" iroh said, proud.

"her father would never let  her join , dangerous missions and thousands of enimies wanting your head. He is more protective since what happened  during Sozins comet"

they both turn their head to everyone seeing a wide eyed hakoda biting his nails and giving Katara water, scolding her for sparring. "That is not his choice, it's lady Kataras" iroh says, playing with his beard. "She was amazing, did you see her. Using all FOUR disciplines" he says holding up four fingers" iroh laughs greatly at this and says "yes I believe I was there, not come lettus go back before they get suspicious"

New ozai society
" zijook, how shall we do this?"
"The waterbender and Prince Zuko survived. Azula is a failure and is crazy, so we shall take Matters into our own hands"

When pakku and iroh came back they saw everyone's worried expressions and Katara was no where to be found. "Where's katara" pakku asked "when she got up her wound re-opened" suki said. "Well then come on! Let go" Pakku said back.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. when her wound re-opened she lost a lot of blood" piandao said Everyone was silent for a few minutes when "Dad and Zuko took her yugoda" Sokka said breaking the tension.

"What if she won't be alright" toph said with a small voice "All we can do is hope little one" iroh said. "Hey I'm not little!" She says slightly laughing "Oh my god!!! I got it" Sokka says with his hands in there air " how abbbout the legend of aang!!" Everyone looked at him with a hard glare- well, except toph of course.

698 words Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't know what to write. Pllleeeease tell me if you have any ideas

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