Save Her Chapter 11

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Hello! Yes I'm not dead😅😅 just took a little break to brainstorm, which was not helpful at ALL. This is gonna be a short chapter Enjoy.
(Spongbob montone voice)
2 weeks later

Katara POV

I think it's been about 4 days since I woke up, I don't know for sure since they have me under drugs to numb my lower abdomen so it doesn't hurt as much. When I woke up I was in for a surprise, I guess their was ozai followers who thought Zuko wasn't worthy for the dragon throne, oh and they found a baby dragon who likes me the most. They've managed to stop some ozai supporters but theirs still more out their and apparently they are targeting me too, Sokka told me they've tried to kidnap me a good number of times.

Mostly Sokka visits me, well, more like bunks with me not so nicely inviting himself on my hospital bed, to the doctors protest that he'll accidentally hurt me by moving to much.

I close my eyes telling myself I'll just close my eyes for a minute when I second later I see night has fallen and my bandages have been changed. 'Who did that? And how long was I asleep' I thought. I look to my left and see my dad sleeping on a chair and to my left, to my surprise, toph is cuddling in zukos lap (platonic sibling vibes besties) and they are both sleeping like turtle ducks. I inwardly chuckle then inhale a deep breath which hurt like excuse my language, like shit. My big intake of breath somehow woke up Zuko. "M'ornin" Zuko mumbles, still half asleep. "Noo stop little badger moles" toph says, sleep talking. "can you help me up Zuko, I want to go for a little stroll" I say, he obviously doesn't buy it. "Tsk tsk sorry but strict orders from the doctor, you can't get out of bed until ur at least 1/3 of the way healed" he lightly pushes me back on the bed.

"Ughhhh my life is miserable" I groan. An idea pops up on my head, I start to tickle Zuko ruthlessly while he tries to take an intake of breath. "Hey would two lovebirds be a little quiet," toph grumbles, still half asleep, both me and Zuko turn into tomatoes. "some of us are still trying to sleep here" this gets a chuckle out of my father, who just woke up from Toph's complaining.  "Hey seal pup" my dad says, placing a kiss on my head, "how ya feeling?"
"How good can you feel when you get hit With lightning" I say, the room goes eerily quiet. "To soon?" I ask, they all nod quietly.
I know this is really short but I felt bad for still not having any ideas so I'm thinking may be one or two last chapters maybe and then a new book or something. Enjoy 😁
On an unrelated note, I just finished this AMAZING book called "fall of the white lotus" (its zutara, taang, sokka x Suki 'idk their ship name srry' and I think a splash of hakursa 'idk how tho'
but if your trying to find a new fanfic to read it's a GREAT one, featuring baddass Katara and funny ass comments. Here is the author Boo-82

Save herOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora